Cookies and Cream

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"Hey, Ruby?" Weiss asked, reading over some paperwork while the girl in red was laying in a chair next to her. "Why do you like me?"

"Hmm..." The barista looked off in thought before turning her silver eyes towards Weiss. "Well why do you like me?"

"Hey, I asked first."

Ruby snickered slightly. "Fine, but I still want my answer." She said. "I love how you treat me differently than other people. You're shy with me, even though you're demanding with others. You're gentle and loving with me, when to be honest, you can be a little bitchy without me around."

"Hey! I'm nicer when talking about you as well, so no need to think I require your supervision." The heiress snapped, a playful glare in her eye.

Her girlfriend laughed, then began looking around the office space. "This place is so barren..."

"Well, I never had a lot to put around. I've focused nearly all of my time into work for my whole life that I never had many other interests." The ivory haired woman explained. "Maybe I'll pin up a picture of you."

"I'd rather it be us." Ruby said absently. "Your turn to answer the question."

Weiss smiled. "What question?"

"Why you like me. You haven't told me yet." The brunette clarified.

Weiss took time to think, leaving the room fairly silent other than the sound of voices on the other side of the office door. With a soft smile, she gave her answer.

"Love at first sight. Your bubbly personality, your gorgeous smile, your friendly attitude." She said, then smirked. "Your sexy body."

"Shush you..." Ruby smiled shyly. "So, how long do you think you'll be here?"

"Oh? Did you have plans that you wanted me around for?" Weiss questioned.

Without warning, the brunette crawled onto Weiss' lap. "Actually yes, I would like you around. Do you not want to come with me?"

The heiress watched in a trance. "I-I'd love to come with you..."

Ruby smirked. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Get your mind out of the gutter!"

"Then get under my sheets."

"Maybe later."

Ruby smiled at the thought. The two of them had been dating for a few weeks now, and have reached a comfortable point where one will usually stay overnight with the other. Both Weiss and Ruby are out about their relationship and have gotten nothing but support from their friends and coworkers.

"Hey, Weiss..."

"Yes, Ruby."

"I want to..." The brunette choked on her words a little. "I want to try it."

Weiss' eyes widened and her cheeks wet red. "Umm... You do..?"


The office was silent again until Weiss leaned in to kiss her girlfriend gently. "Then we'll try that out."

"Later though. First, I'm taking you out for something special." Ruby smile, still looking embarrassed by the previous topic. "I hope it's ok..."

"I'm sure it will be wonderful, my rose."

"If you're gonna call me that, then you can't complain about me calling you snowflake."

Weiss rolled her eyes. "I've never complained about it before. Now go take me on that special date."

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