Date Trainer

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Pyrrha listened as Weiss explained the situation, nodding every once and awhile to show that she understood and was paying attention. She smiled when the heiress had finished telling everything.

"This girl sounds lovely!" Pyrrha chimed.

Weiss sat for a moment. "What?"

"I said she sounds wonderful." Pyrrha clarified.

"So... You're not going to say anything about how its a girl..?" Weiss asked. "You just... You really don't care?"

Pyrrha raised a brow. "Why would I care about that?"

"I-I don't know, I guess it's just weird to me..." Weiss stuttered. "I don't really have an information or experience in same sex relationships..."

"Or opposite sex relationships for that matter." Neptune added.

Weiss chose to ignore him, continuing to face Pyrrha. "So... Can you help me..?"

Pyrrha scratched her chin and thought. "Hmm... I think I can help you with clothing and choosing what to wear, but you need to be yourself more than anything else."

"That's going to be... Difficult." Weiss whispered. "I just get so nervous around her that is can barely look at her... Or I can't stop looking..."

"Well, if she thinks that you're looking because she's pretty, then it's better to look at her rather than away." Pyrrha said.

Weiss nodded. "Right... Thank you."

"No, thank you for finally going out." She laughed in response. "We've all been waiting for this."

"Is it really that big of a deal?"

Yang rolled her eyes. "Yes, Ruby, it is a big deal. You're always either with Jaune or at The Cookies. It's important to go out every once and awhile."

Ruby squirmed. "But this dress isn't really that comfortable..."

Yang had been dragging Ruby from store to store, trying to find a dress, shoes, and lingerie for her sister. The entire time the girl with red tips had been complaining about how this was either unnecessary, inappropriate, or both.

"The dress wasn't made for comfort, it was made for looking sexy." Yang responded, looking up somewhere to find shoes on her phone.

Ruby looked at the mirror. "But this... It seems a bit too much." She said, referring to the long red dress what flowed with every movement. To Ruby, it almost reminded her of water when it rippled.

"It's perfect." Yang grinned. "Everyone will be looking at you when we're done here."

"But... I feel so suffocated in this thing..." Ruby mumbled.

Yang rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, it'll just be a few hours. I'm sure it'll be off before long." She said. "Have the waiter make sure of that."

"I'm not going out to have sex with a random waiter!" Ruby shouted, realizing too late that she may have been too loud.

Yang sighed. "Fine, just have dinner with your evil lesbian friend."

"Why are you helping me if you hate her so much?" Ruby asked.

The blonde smiled brightly. "Because it gets you out of the house! And I'm sure Miss Schnee won't do anything bad because it would ruin her image. That shits important to rich people."

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Fair enough I guess. We'll take this dress and then be done, right?"

"Nope, we've got shoes and make up still." Yang reminded her.

"I have shoes at home. Mom's red heels." Ruby said. "And I'm not wearing make up, it's bad for my skin. And I hate it."

Yang nodded. "I am content with this. No make up, amazing dress, magic shoes."

"Not magic." Ruby commented.

"They are magic! The things are perfectly balanced heels first of all, which is impossible. And then there's the fact that mom and dad met while she was wearing them. Destiny guides those things." Yang said, quite confident that they were enchanted.

Ruby giggled at Yang antics. "That's ridiculous, but whatever. So, what do you wanna do for the rest of the day?"

"Well I've got to get ready for work, you should go practice being fancy, because Weiss Schnee don't do anything less than fancy." Yang said, getting up to leave.

"Thanks for the help."

Pyrrha smiled. "Of course! I am happy to help a friend in need."

Weiss looked back in the mirror. She had an elegant shoulderless white dress that left her right leg visible. "This dress is absolutely perfect."

"I'm glad you like it! Where are you going to take her?" Pyrrha asked, making Weiss freeze in place.

The heiress turned to Neptune who was reading a fashion magazine nearby. "Where am I going to take her?!"

Neptune lowered the magazine and starred at Weiss. "It's your date, why are you asking me?" He calmly replied.

"Because you know these things!" Weiss cried. "Please, I need this to be perfect."

The blue haired boy rolled his eyes. "Fine. Take her to a restaurant called The Winchester. It's only specialty is alcohol, but the food is pretty good. The doors are heavy and make the patrons feel safer than they do at other places, making them more emotionally open. The alcohol also helps with that."

Weiss nodded. "Thank you, Neptune. I owe you so much."

"Remember that next time I file for a pay raise." He said, looking back at his magazine.

Pyrrha raised a brow. "How do you know so much about using this place for dates?"

Neptune froze. "I'm not talking about that."

"Umm, ok." Weiss responded. "Alright... Now I guess I just wait?"

Pyrrha nodded. "I can't think of anything else that you need to get today. Perfume?"

"That's something that I do have covered." Weiss said. "I always wear the same perfume."

"What about flowers?" Neptune asked from his seat.

Weiss thought for a moment. "Should I grab a rose?"

"No." The blue haired boy said without looking up. "You know what, let's forget about the flower."

"Alright..." Weiss sighed.


Ok, so I've got a thing. Umm, I just met someone at a special school program that's supposed to help you get ready for your career or collage. He's... Insanely attractive...
Now for the fun part. He had a boyfriend. And he seems really attached to him.
Now... Holy shit. I have never met someone so cute. Why are emotions a thing? And why the fuck did I catch feelings for this guy?! I'm getting a hug from him on Monday, but I want more than a hug... I want snuggles...
         Killian Joyus
              A.K.A. Blew Neko

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