Changing Topics

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"Umm... How about we focus on the vacation. Who's gonna be at the house?" Weiss asked, hoping Ruby wouldn't persist.

The girl in red nodded. "I get it, sore subject. Well, usually it's just Yang, Nora, Jaune, and myself, but this year we've got the whole gang. Torchwick, Neo, Ren, Pyrrha, you. Even my dad'll be there!"

"Wow, that's quite the group." Weiss commented.

"Yeah, we were actually gonna invite a bunch more people, but figured things wouldn't go as well with them all." Ruby responded nervously.

Weiss took Ruby's hand across the table. "I think that may have been a good choice. Too many people would just make everything chaotic."

Ruby smiled and Weiss though of just a moment that she saw the girl in red blushing. "Yeah, and we don't all exactly get along, or to be more exact, Yang doesn't get alone with some of them."

"Excuse me." The waiter said, holding a metal tray with three plates on it. He set down each of their burgers, and the third plate had Ruby's chili fries on it. "Please enjoy."

"Thank you!" Ruby said happily.

Weiss nodded to the waiter and began to eat. Ruby took a big bite of her burger and moaned in delight at its taste.

"Ruby, I doubt it's that good. The sound seems unnecessary." Weiss laughed to the girl.

Ruby swallowed, then replied. "Have you ever had a Phil Cheese Steak? Because if not, then you can no idea."

Weiss rolled her eyes, a smile still on her lips. "Fair enough, I guess. So, you were saying something about Yang not getting along with people?"

"Oh yeah, Yang gets in fights constantly. She butts heads with anyone that she thinks is being mean to her friends, or causing issues, or if they're just a jerk. Usually it doesn't go well for whoever that is." Ruby said, acting as if this was a normal thing. "I mean, she's pretty well trained, so it's not like she can't defend herself, but sometimes it is difficult to make friends with her beating up people all the time."

Weiss' eyes were wide with shock and a small amount of fear. "Umm... She doesn't like me very much... Does that mean I'm gonna get, you know..?"

"What, punched? Nah, Yang isn't gonna mess with you." Ruby clarified. "If she's gonna mess with someone, it'll be when they meet."

"Oh, thank Oum..." Weiss mumbled.

The rest of lunch went quietly, Weiss and Ruby asking each other little questions about each other's lives. Before either of them had realized, they had used an entire hour up, Ruby being the one to notice when she checked her watch out of habit.

"Crap." The girl in red said, running to the counter and paying quickly before grabbing Weiss and rushing out the door back to the car.

Weiss buckled up as Ruby sped out of the parking lot. "Doesn't this seem like an extreme reaction?!"

"I wanted to be the first in the hot tub!!" Ruby cried, actual tears going down her eyes. "I never get in first!"

"Ruby! Speed limit!" Weiss called out. "How does a hybrid even go this fast?!"

Ruby passed a car, one of the few that were even on the road, and kept speeding past. "It's my car, of course it's fast." She said, skillfully driving down the highway. "I like things a little faster."

"But I like things a little ALIVE!" Weiss shouted, just as Ruby began to speed up even more.

The three hours left of the drive flew by, mostly because Ruby cut it down by a full hour with her insane driving. As the little red car slowed down to leave the highway, Weiss sighed in relief.

"Ruby?" She asked. "Where did you learn to drive?"

The girl with dyed hair looked over with a grin. "My big sis taught me! Unfortunately, or maybe not, I can't avoid cops the way she can." Ruby nervously laughed.

"I'm not even going to ask." Weiss said, looking as if she was done with all of Yang's crap. "No offense, but your sister seems insane."

"None taken, that's an accurate statement. We've all known of her insanity for a long time." Ruby said matter of factly.

As they pulled the car down another road, Ruby grinned brightly. Weiss looked over and placed her hand over top of Ruby's again.

"What are you feeling happy about?" She asked.

Ruby took Weiss' hand in her own, continuing to drive down the road. "We're just about there."

Weiss was about to ask how close, but the Ruby turned down a driveway and made her way through the thick woods surrounding the path.

"You could really get lost in a place like this..." Weiss mumbled.

She felt Ruby squeeze her hand tightly, looking straight forward, but with a joyful and determined look. "You don't need to worry, Weiss. I'll keep you safe."

Weiss couldn't look away from the girl until the car suddenly stopped and Ruby looked back to Weiss. "Here we are." She softly said to the heiress.

They both exited the car, a large log cabin in front of them. The cabin was two stories tall, and wide enough for two buses to park in front and just barely cover the whole of the front. The windows were perfectly shined and treated. The door was made of a tan wood, with a dark brown lining around it.

"Ruby, I was expecting a cabin, not a wooden palace." Weiss said, looking at the building. "How'd you even get this?"

"Well, we may not be rich, but we're dedicated. My dad built almost the entire building with some help from my uncle Qrow and a few of his old friends." Ruby explained. "Of course, we had to have the piping and pool done by professionals, but practically everything else was done by us."

"Wow..." Weiss whispered to herself.

"Wow is right." Someone said from behind them, causing Weiss to turn in shock. A tall man with bleach blond hair, wearing tan shorts and an orange t-shirt, was standing before them. "It took a lot to get all the wood for that place."


Sorry... I know I'm really late... I know I haven't been keeping up on my schedule... Sorry... A lot is going on and I'm trying my best...

A side note, I haven't exactly gone without writing this entire time. I've been working on a few other random romance stories, a war drama, and some music.

And speaking of music, who has head of Legally Blonde: The Musical? I am most likely going to be on of the lead males in the musical (either Emmett or Warner [I hope it's Emmett]).
I'm kinda terrified because I've never actually been in a play, let alone a musical, let alone as a lead role.

Umm... As you may have guessed though, that will cut out a lot of writing time... Sorry... I'm going to need to change to a more flexible schedule, because unfortunately, I just can't keep up with the current system.

I hope you understand, and I'm thankful for your continued support.
Yours truly,
   Killian Joyus
      A.K.A Blew Neko

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