Heiress Schnee

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Ruby woke up to the sound of her alarm.

"Just another morning." She mumbled, turning off the alarm.

She got up and looked through her drawers for her work clothes, but then stopped as she remembered Nora's orders. Ruby walked over to her kitchen and opened the fridge for breakfast.

"I should probably go buy some food..." She thought out loud. "Tomorrow."

She sat on her couch and ate from bowl of cereal. I guess I don't need to get dressed, it's not like I'm going anywhere.

After eating she washed the dishes from the night before and laid back on the couch. Before she could even decide what to do next, someone gently knocked on the door. Ruby stood up and walked over, slowly opening the door to see Weiss on the other side.

The girl was wearing a white business dress, and her hair was up in the same ponytail as before. "H-hello, Ruby."

The brunette smiled brightly. "What are you doing here? Oh, come on in."

Weiss nodded and walked in, avoiding looking at Ruby. "Thank you."

Ruby walked in after and sat down on the couch. "Sorry that it's not much." She said, referring to her practically barren apartment. "I put most of my money into the cafe."

Weiss nodded, sitting down next to Ruby, still avoiding eye contact. "I understand, running a business is hard."

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Do I have something in my teeth?" She asked, wonder what was going on with Weiss.

"Umm... No..." She responded. "You're just... You're not wearing pants..."

Ruby looked at herself, just wearing a red shirt and her black underwear, then looked back to Weiss. "I mean, you're not wearing pants either, but I can change of it makes you uncomfortable."

Weiss laughed slightly. "I guess you're right, I'm not wearing pants. No, it doesn't really make me uncomfortable, I just... Wasn't ready for it it."

"Yeah, sorry. I wasn't expecting any guests, so I figured I just wouldn't really do anything today." Ruby said with a light laugh.

"It really is fine, I don't mind at all." Weiss replied. Can't look. Can't look. Can't look. Can't look.

Ruby sat for a moment then jumped up. "RIGHT! I've got your bag! you left it at the cafe last night." She said, running out of the room.

Weiss watched as she left, not realizing that she was starring. I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to do... Should I say something about how I feel?

Ruby jogged back in and stopped, seeing Weiss practically drooling as she was looking at her. "Are you ok, Weiss? You seem distracted."

Weiss blinked a few times, snapping back to reality. "Umm, yes! Yes, I'm fine."

"If you say so." Ruby rolled her eyes and handed the white bag to Weiss. "So, why'd you stop by? Actually, how'd you know where I live?"

Weiss cleared her throat. "Apparently my... Friend... Knows your sister, and she led me over."

"Of course it was Yang... She's always trying to make me find some friends and to hang out somewhere besides the shop." The girl with red tips chuckled. "Well, you seem like someone I could be friends with. Umm, but why did you come?"

Weiss' face turned red for a moment and she pulled a piece of paper out of a pocket that was barely noticeable. "I-I came to give you my number." She said, forcing the paper into Ruby's hand.

The heiress stood up and marched out of the apartment, rushing as she got away. Ruby looked down at the paper and saw Weiss' personal cell phone number, as well as her work number and home number. A heart was drawn next the the numbers.

"Well that was weird." She mumbled, still looking at the paper. "I guess she's shy?"

Outside, Weiss ran into the car that was waiting for her, Neptune in the driver seat. "How'd it go?" He asked the hyperventilating girl in the back seat.

"It... It went... Very... It went..." She tried speaking, still barely able to breathe.

Neptune handed her a paper bag and she took a few moments to compose herself. After that, she set down that bag and took a few deep breathes.

"I did it." Weiss said. "I gave her my number."

Neptune raised an eyebrow. "In a I wanna date and be all lovey dovey way, or a here's my number because we know each other way, because you may have just seriously friendzoned yourself."

"I DON'T KNOW! I was trying not to have a freaking panic attack! I wasn't worrying about the subtext!" Weiss shouted.

The heiress and Neptune jumped as someone knocked at the window. Both turned to see Ruby on the other side of the glass. She waved hello and lifted up the bag that Weiss had yet again left with her.

"How much do you think she heard?" Weiss asked.

Neptune didn't move his eyes from Ruby. "This car is nearly soundproof, so she probably only heard you yelling and may not even heard what it was about."

"That'll have to be ok for now." She responded, opening the window. "Hello, Ruby. Thank you for bringing my bag."

Ruby nodded. "Of course. But I'm saying this as a friend, you've gotta quit running off like that, or you'll never actually keep this bag with you." She commented while handing Weiss the purse.

The white haired girl took the bag and smiled. "Umm, yes, I guess that is a very good point."

She looked over to Neptune, hoping for him to do something. He simply pointed at Ruby and then made a sandwich eating movement.

Weiss turned back over and forced a smile. "Hey, so I was thinking, let's get something to eat sometime. When are you free?"

Ruby thought about it for a moment. "Well I can really take whenever off, but I'm sure I've got Friday free."

"Great, I'll be here on Friday, 8 o'clock sharp. Wear something nice." Weiss said before smacking Neptune's arm to make him drive.

Ruby stood next to the street in her red shirt and the pants she had just quickly thrown on, feeling quite confused and almost lonely now that Weiss had left.

"I guess I'll... Find something to do for the rest of the day..." She mumbled. "Maybe if I tell Yang about Weiss, she'll stop trying to make friends for me." Ruby thought out loud, beginning to walk to Yangs place.

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