Time To Kill

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Weiss and Ruby were leaning on each other for the last few minutes of their movie, some random action movie that neither of them knew. When the film ended, Ruby glanced over to the other girl.

"So. You wanna watch another movie?" She asked.

Weiss laughed softly. "Well, we didn't see much of the first one, so I think that would be appropriate."

Ruby blushed, but she just got up and started looking through the movies that were available. She took a few moments to look through, then stopped dead. "Dad left Diehard here!" She screamed in joy.

"Umm... What?" Weiss asked, completely dumbfounded.

"Diehard. The greatest Christmas movie besides The Nightmare Before Christmas. One of the best action movies in history." Ruby said, trying to get Weiss to recognize the film.

The heiress shrugged. "Never heard of it." She simply stated.

Ruby put a hand over her heart and took in a breath. "I-I can't believe this! You haven't heard about Diehard!?"

"We always watched Miracle On 34th Street and Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer." Weiss said calmly.

The brunette grin wildly. "Well then... Two things. ONE! You are coming to my place for Christmas~"

"Which is still more than a month away."

"~And two. We're watching Die Hard." Ruby concluded.


Yang sighed as she waited in the airport cafe with her dad. They had been sitting around for at least fifteen minutes without anything interesting happening, and the buzz of the airport was getting to her.

"Thanks for coming to wait with me, I don't think I could've make it if I was here by myself." Tai nervously laughed. "I have no idea how he can stand being in bus stations and airports all the time, I hate them so much."

"Well, Ozcorp pays him a lot, so I image he's just gotten use to all the travel. It must be worth it in his eyes." Yang responded, taking a fry off her plate.

Tai sighed. "I bet he uses the money on alcohol and cheap hotel rooms..."

"I actually do." A gruff voice said, interrupting the two. "That, and gifts for lovely women with very short skirts."


Weiss was extremely comfortable as she watched the movie, snuggling up to Ruby and holding her hand. They were just about through the film, Ruby saying the famous quotes at the same time as the lead hero.

"Happy trails, Hans." She said excitedly, mimicking Bruce Willis' tone and attitude.

The heiress smiled to herself, loving the fact that Ruby was so enthusiastic about sharing her favorite things with her. They continued laying together, breathing in each other's scent.

At this rate, I'm not sure that I'll be able to survive without the smell of roses. Weiss thought to herself, leaning on Ruby a little more. It's intoxicating.

Despite being as close as they were, Ruby wrapped her arms behind Weiss and pulled her closer still. "So, do we wanna talk this?"

"About us?" The ivory haired girl asked.

"About what us is." Ruby clarified.

Weiss nodded. "Well... You know what I'd like. Maybe I should be more formal about it, but I would like you to be my girlfriend."

Ruby thought for a moment. "What if... What if I'm not ready to tell everyone..?"

"Then we won't tell everyone." Weiss comforted.

The girl with the red tips smiled a little. "And... I'd still be able to have you?"

By Oum, this girl will drive me nuts. "Of course you can."

Ruby pulled Weiss into a deathgrip of a hug. "This is fantastic! I guess I was wrong before."

Weiss raised an eyebrow. "Wrong about what?"

"Weeeeeeeell, I kinda said to Yang that I just don't do relationships at all, and that they just aren't for me..." She mumbled out nervously.

The heiress smiled and softly kissed Ruby's lips. "Well now you do have a relationship, and I'd hope that it is for you."

Ruby giggled. "I'd say it is."

Weiss wrapped the blanket around them and sighed in content. She settled herself into Ruby and closed her eyes.
I guess things are going well for sure now. I'm so happy that she's mine! Would she mind if I told Neptune...? I'll as~

The door flew open and Yang screamed out. "SUP, BITCHES!!!"


Weiss flew off of Ruby, landing on the floor, still practically naked in her bikini. Ruby threw the blanket on top of the heiress, shoving her into another chair before sitting down herself.

Yang walked over to them and just stared. "You know, you guys aren't being very inconspicuous."

Weiss glared at her. "Shut up, dolt." She said, her cheeks red as she had the blanket wrapped tightly around her.

Tai marched in with a smile on his face and a bag over his shoulder. "How was it at the fort? I better not have missed anything fun."

Ruby looked over to her girlfriend then back at Tai. "You missed Die Hard." She said with a smirk.

"What!? Damn it, I love that movie..." He muttered.

"You've seen it a million times." A rough voice said from the door, Ruby's eyes widening with joy. "And it is the only thing that we can agree on when picking a flick."


Ruby was in his arms faster than Weiss had ever seen anyone move, and hung off of him and she was speaking rapidly, to the point where nobody could understand her.

"Did you miss me?" She finally asked, holding onto his arm.

Qrow smirked. "Nope."


Hey there. I'm angry. Here's a chapter.

I was just send upstairs to my cold room in the attic (furnished, but still drafty) because I can read a clock. I pointed out the amount of time that it took me to do something, also pointing out that I was actually keeping track of said time, and my dad's wife started freaking out about how her daughter would never do that to her and that I was calling her a liar because she wasn't correct. She continued to ask for an apology (without saying what for) and I politely told her that I had nothing to apologize for. She completely flipped out sent me away.

I'm very angry. My dad left twenty minutes before this happened. Can you guess how she acts when he IS around? Much nicer. She actually stops glaring at me and doesn't treat me like some infected mutt that wondered too close to where she was sitting.

Yours enraged and aggravated,
   Killian Joyus
      A.K.A. Blew Neko

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