Ruby Is A Really Good Kisser

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"I can believe that happened last night!" Weiss squealed. "She actually kissed me!?"

"Yes, so you've been saying non-stop since we brought her home." Neptune said. "You're gonna break my ears with how high pitched you're getting, so calm it down a little."

"I can't! She actually kissed me!" Weiss said happily.

The bluenette sighed. "Yeah, and it was extremely awkward for me when you two didn't stop kissing. I mean, I am happy for you, but still."

Weiss took a few deep breaths before she spoke again. "Sorry, Neptune. I guess I'm still a little stunned."

"You made me wait out in front of Ruby's building for almost an hour. I don't even want to know what you two were doing." Neptune said as he turned a page in his magazine.

"Nothing happened... I wouldn't take advantage of Ruby like that..." Weiss mumbled.

Her friend looked up from his reading material and just starred at her. "Almost an hour. You weren't exactly in the right state of mind either, so what am I supposed to think?"

"You're supposed to just believe me when I say we didn't do anything more than kiss. A lot." Weiss said, trying to look dignified.

Before Neptune could respond, they heard someone knock at the door and he got up to check it out. "This conversation isn't over."

Opening the door, Pyrrha was on the other side, with Mr Arc from one of Schnee Industries business partners, a ginger girl in a black cap from Cookies Cafe with a quiet looking guy next to her, and Ruby behind them all, looking as if she really didn't want to be there.

"Hello!" Pyrrha chimed. "It seemed that Ruby and her friend wanted to talk to Weiss."

"Nora is crazy. I'm sorry." Ruby mumbled.

Neptune smiled. "I'm not quite sure what's going on, but come on in." He said, moving out of the way.

The group entered the luxury apartment suite, Nora looking at how shiny everything seemed, Ren just keeping her from touching anything, Pyrrha and Jaune acting as if this was a pretty normal place, and Ruby just trying not to look up.

"R-ruby?!" Weiss questioned when she saw everyone. "What are you doing here?!"

"It wasn't my idea." Ruby sighed.

Nora hopped in front of Weiss. "Hey there! I'm Nora, one of Ruby's friends!"

"I've heard. Ruby told me about you guys, I just didn't expect to see you so soon." Weiss mumbled. "Why are you here?"

"Wellll... We wanted to know what happened after you and Ruby kissed." Nora said sweetly.

Ruby looked away, her face extremely red. "Nora, please..."

"O-oh, umm..." Oh god what do I do?! "I brought Ruby back to her house."

Nora glared at Weiss. "Is that it?" She questioned.

"N-no... I stayed for awhile..." she whispered in response.

Nora was about to shout, but Ren clasped a hand over her mouth. "Please don't scream, it really doesn't seem necessary." He said, then he turned to Weiss. "What happened while you were there?"

"W-well... We were both drunk... And we're kissing... But it didn't go past that. I-I sobered up enough to leave before anything happened."

"See?! I told you it was just because we were drunk!" Ruby finally said something, her face still red. "Alcohol can make friends do weird things."

Weiss froze for a second. "Fr-friends. Right. That's all we are." She said, sadness tinging the end of her words. "Umm... If you guys wouldn't mind, I do have some work to do."

Ren looked at Weiss for a moment as if trying to decide what he should do, then nodded. "Of course." He said, still holding onto Nora's mouth.

Ruby smiled. "I'll see you later, Weiss. Oh! Do you want to come to my dad's cabin with Yang and my friends? We go ever year just to get away from the world."

"I'll get back to you on that, but for now, I really do have work to do." Weiss said quickly.

"Right!" Ruby chimed. "We'll get out of here."

She left, followed by Jaune, Ren, and Nora. Neptune watched them leave, then closed the door. Pyrrha awkwardly stood, waiting for Weiss to yell at her.

The heiress fell onto her side and curled up on the couch. "Why'd you bring them here..?" She asked, sounding like she was ready to cry.

"A-apparently they asked Jaune about it and he put it together that I knew where you lived." Pyrrha said. "I thought I was helping."

Weiss looked over at Pyrrha with dead eyes. "You weren't helping. Ruby is straight, isn't she?"

"I-it would seem that way." Pyrrha mumbled. "I'm sorry, I probably should have said something earlier on..."

The girl in white put her head down on a couch pillows. "Of course she's straight... She's perfect, so of course she likes guys."

"Actually, it seems more like she doesn't do relationships at all. It was my idea not to tell you, I thought we could get her to maybe give you a chance." Neptune said calmly.

Weiss sighed. "Well... I might as well go to her group thing. Meet her friends, talk to her sister, be social and everything." She said, lifting her head up.

"Really?!" Both Neptune and Pyrrha questioned.

"Yeah, I might have some fun. And it'll be some time with Ruby." She said.

Neptune looked confused. "So... You're not giving up?"

"Have I ever given up in the past? This is just like any other tough situation, I'll just need to make my way through and hope for the best." Weiss responded.

Pyrrha clapped her hands together. "I have faith in you, Weiss!"

Weiss put her face in the pillow again. "Now, I am gonna ask you to leave so I can cry for awhile."


Hello everyone. I am very very tired. I have been working on school some more, and I'm prepping for the SAT rest on the second of December. I'm also on a medication that is making me feel exhausted at all times. Yay.

Well, here is another chapter. I hope you all enjoy.
Yours truly, and tiredly,
   Killian Joyus
      A.K.A. Blew Neko

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