Gone Clubbing

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"So you're the one that's got Jaune dressed to impress?" Yang asked.

Pyrrha nodded. "His issues come from a mixture of low confidence, low self-esteem, and high expectations. I'm helping him balance things out a bit, starting with his confidence."

"That makes sense." Ruby chimed.

Pyrrha nodded. "Well... Seeing Jaune only goes out with Ruby, I'm going to assume that's you?"

"Umm, not out like out or anything, just out, you know?" Ruby said, acting slightly awkward with the tall girl. "But um, yes, I am Ruby."

Pyrrha smiled. "It's wonderful to finally meet you! I'm Pyrrha Nikos."

"Ruby Rose." The girl in red chimed.

Jaune's trainer hesitated again before speaking. "Rose? You wouldn't happen to know Weiss, would you?"

"Umm, yeah, I do. Are you a friend of hers?" Ruby asked, slightly confused.

"I work for Miss Schnee as a trainer, like I do for Jaune. Unfortunately, she refuses to let me help her with her... Work issue... But yes, I am a friend." Pyrrha clarified.

Ruby smiled brightly. "Wow, I guess we're all in a big old web together. You know Jaune, I'm friends with Jaune, I'm Yang's sister, Yang is friends with Neptune, Neptune works with Weiss, you work with Weiss, and now I know you!"

"I guess you've got a point." Pyrrha smiled. "I see that Weiss has made a great choice." She whispered over to Ruby.

"Umm, yeaaah, I guess?" Ruby mumbled back. "Why are we whispering?"

Pyrrha laughed and looked over to the rest of the group. "So what did everyone have planned for tonight?"

"Well, Ruby called last minute and told me to come on over, so I guess she's in charge." Jaune said.

Neo smirked. We're gonna get wasted.

"Agreed." Roman said.

Jaune shook his head. "Why do I feel as if I need to learn sign language..?"

"Meh, I've gotten along fine without it." Yang responded, picking up a drink off someone's table and shooting it back.

You have not gotten along at all, you just make up whatever you want to hear! Neo scolded.

"Exactly! Neo and me know exactly what we're talking each other." Yang said.

The small girl rolled her eyes. I can hear, of course I know what you're saying, you have no idea what I'm saying though.

"I know Yang can be... Annoying at times, but please try to have fun." Ruby said to Neo. I'll tell you where she works out so you can watch if you try to enjoy yourself now. She added in sign language.

Neo's face flushed. Deal. Not because I like her, which I don't, but because she's hot.

"I know, Neo. I know." The red tipped girl replied.

"Should we start drinking or what?" Yang asked. "I don't want to have any responsibility for what I do tonight."

Neo turned to Ruby. Please.

"Hey, I doubt it'll work, but who am I to say no." She responded.

Neo threw an arm over Yang and started walking to the bar, Yang smiling all the way.

"At least one of you geeks knows what you're supposed to do at a club. Peace!" Yang cheered as they walked away.

Roman closed his eyes and smirked. "And then there were four."

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