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Tai sighed as he drove down the road with Qrow in the passenger seat. "Why are we doing this again?"

"To give the kids some bonding time." Qrow said, looking out the window.

The blond man shook his head. "But I wanted time to bond with the kids."

"Well dads don't get all the time they'd like, now do they?" Qrow asked, glancing at Tai through the corner of his eye.


The car went silent for awhile until Tai turned the radio to some light rock station. That didn't do very much to soothe the tension in the air.

"How long till we're there?" Qrow asked.

Tai looked at his GPS and frowned. "I'm stuck in this car with you for another ten minutes..."


The two men walked into the large black and light yellow building, walking right up to the counter where a waiter stood in black and white.

"Two under Xiao Long." Tai said quickly. "And don't you even suggest that we're together. You'll regret it."

"Aw, don't be like that, babe." Qrow laughed. He turned to the man at the counter. "My husband always gets so embarrassed when people can just tell how gay he is at a glance."


"Yes, babe?"

"Keep talking and I will kill you."

"I love you too."

They were brought to a table and a plate of fried fish was set down as an appetizer.

Tai turned to the waiter just before he could leave. "I'm not with that guy. We are no more than two guys that are stuck in the same place."

"Don't worry, sir, everyone here is very accepting." He replied. "The co-owners are both homosexual as well, so they make sure that everyone is comfortable."

"No, you're not listening, he's not my~"

"Tai, why don't you take a seat, Hun?" Qrow asked, a massive, shit eating grin plastered to his face.

The waiter left and the blond man sat down. "You enjoy torturing me too much."

"Maybe so, but you also make it really fun."

The two had agreed to go to some restaurant with exotic food while Ruby and the gang had their camp out, so here they were. Tai was already regretting the choice, and Qrow was enjoying Tai's regret.

A small commotion drew attention away from the food and Yang's dad turned to see a few of the wait staff surrounding a friendly looking guy in a white button up and jeans. Behind him stood a man in a black suit with blue hair, looking slightly nervous as he worked to keep his back straight.

"What do you think is happening there?" Tai asked Qrow.

"I don't know, but I wanna find out." He replied, waving a waitress over. "What's up with the ruckus? Is this normal?"

"I'm sorry sir, some of us are just getting a little too excited." She said. "It's been a pretty long time since we've seen Sun here, and everyone just wants to know what's been going on in his life."

"Ah, so everyone's being nosy, I can appreciate that." Qrow said, getting out of his seat.

Tai glared at him. "What are you doing?"

"Being nosy."

Qrow walked over to the crowd and started listening in on the conversation.

"It's been so long, sir." One of the waiters said. "Where have you been?"

"Just over in Vale. I wanted to see the sights, meet new people." The man that Qrow guessed was Sun explain.

Another waitress frowned. "It's been months since you last stopped by, and you refused to tell us anything over phone."

"Well..." Sun began, a big grin forming on his lips. "I was trying to see if I could convince someone special to come with me." He said as he threw an arm over the blue haired man's shoulder.

"Hey there..." The guy greeted, waving slightly.

"Aw, he's adorable." A low female voice said, amusement evident in her tone.

"Blake!" Sun cried, lifting up a girl in black formal wear.

Blake rolled her eyes. "Ok, you big ape, put me down and introduce me to your new friend. You better not have replaced me in Vale."

"I'd never do that. It's been us against the world since we were little." He said, smiling. The blond boy gestured to his friend behind him. "This is Neptune, my boyfriend."

Blake smiled. "Well at least one of us can get a steady relationship going."


Qrow turned around to see Tai standing in shock. Blake turned and the same expression planted itself on her face.

"Tai?" She asked. "Wow, it's... It's been forever."

Tai chuckled, smiling. "Yeah, at least seven years."

The girl in black walked over and hugged the rough blond, leaving Qrow completely in the dark.

"You have any idea what they're talking about?" He asked Sun.

The boy shook his head. "Not in the slightest. So who's the guy?"

"He's my in-law. Well, kinda. It's complicated." Qrow explained. "Who's the chick?"

"She's my best friend. Owns the building. Rich family. You know, the usual." Sun replied.

Qrow nodded as Blake and Tai turned back to them.

"Blake was friends with Ruby back in high school. I haven't seen her in years." Tai told Qrow.

"Sun, do you wanna come with me to see my old friend?" Blake asked. "You'd probably remember her if you actually saw her."

"Umm... Can I bring Neptune?"

Blake turned to the older blond. "Is that alright, Tai?"

"I don't see why not. The more the merrier. But just know, Roman is there."

The girl in black frowned. "Ruby's still friends with that guy..?"

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