Genetic Alcoholism

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The wine bottle was empty, five refills of Long Island Ice Tea were gone, and a tall glass of milk was missing from the world. Weiss helped Ruby make her way to the car, making sure she didn't fall at any point.
Both of them had a little too much to drink, Ruby being especially drunk.

"You, Weiss, are very very pretty, you know that?" She said. "I mean, I thought you were pretty before you showed up at my front door, but after seeing you in such a nice dress. Goodness."

Weiss smiled. "Thank you, Ruby. You're very pretty as well. Umm... You know, I haven't said this before, but I really like you."

Ruby fell onto Weiss' lap giggling. "Stop it, you're making me blush."

Weiss took a deep breath. "I'm serious. I-I'd like if we could go on more dates together."

Ruby's eyes widened, her sober mind telling her that this wasn't the plan, her drunken mind telling her to start making out. "You like me? You like me enough to want to date me?"

"Y-yes, Ruby. T-that's why I ran off when I first saw you in the cafe. I started panicking from the warm feeling I was getting from what you were talking about, with us together." Weiss said, none of her words censored because of the alcohol fuzzing her thoughts.

Ruby hugged her tightly, still on Weiss' lap. "I'm not sure why this makes me so happy, but it does." She said. Ruby looked up into Weiss' eyes and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I love you, Weiss."


"And that's the last thing I remember." Ruby told her sister as they sat in the diner. "I have no idea what happened after that."

"Well... We did warn you that she likes you." Yang responded.

Ruby thought for a moment. "Does this make me gay?" She asked.

"This just means you have an alcohol problem. You aren't gay just because you kissed a girl, you were drunk." Yang responded.

Ruby took a sip of her coffee. "I wouldn't say I have an alcohol problem. I just can't drink much."

"Your problem is that you got Qrow's love of alcohol without any of his tolerance." Yang said with a smirk.

"Seeing as he's not even my biological uncle, how could I get anything from him?" Ruby asked. "It's basic biology, Yang."

Yang nervously smiled. "Right, good point! I need to go do something. Bye!"

The blonde jogged out before Ruby could say anything more. After paying, Ruby walked over to The Cookies Cafe. Nora was working a shift, but the place was practically empty, so she was just talking to Ren.

"And so I turned to her and said 'You can't eat that! It's make in Minstrel!'." Nora finished before seeing Ruby. "Oh hey, how's it going Ruby? How'd the date go?"

Ruby laughed nervously. "Let me get ready for work first, then we can talk."

"Of course." Ren said with understanding.

Ruby out on her apron and looked at the crimson word in fancy lettering that said Ruby. Everyone had different writing in different colors on their aprons, giving each a different personality. Plus, it makes sure that Nora doesn't take anyone else's... Again. Bad things happened last time.
Ruby put on a small black cap and smiled to herself before walking out to see the last customer leave after finishing up.

"Has it been like this all day?" She asked.

Nora sighed. "It's been so boring... Now, give me the details."

"Oh, well... It was nice. Very nice. Weiss had a limo, we had a few drinks." Ruby said nervously.

Nora smirked. "What aren't you telling us?"

"Well... Funny thing about that... I don't actually remember anything past dinner. I mean, I woke up in my apartment, so that's a good sign." Ruby laughed.

"Ruby, you really do need to be careful with your drinking." Ren calmly stated.

The brunette rolled her eyes. "That's why I rarely ever drink. But I figured it was fine for tonight."

"What do you remember?" Nora giggled.

Ruby sighed. "Well... The last thing I remember is Weiss saying that she likes me... And then we kissed... Then there's nothing."

"Wait, what?! We've gotta figure out what happened! After work, we're going right to Weiss and interrogating her!" Nora cheered. "And if she fights us, we'll break her legs so she can't run away!"

Ren put a hand on her shoulder. "Lets not do that, Nora. Ruby would like to keep her friend, not make an enemy."

"What? It's not like she can't pay for hospital treatment."

"That's not the point, Nora." Ruby said, rolling her eyes. "The issue is that I don't really lean that way, but I don't want to hurt Weiss."

Nora grinned. "What are you talking about? Of course you like girls, you two kissed didn't you?"


Ren nodded. "You being so defensive suggests that you do in fact feel something for Weiss."

"I do not! We're just friends, ok?" Ruby growled.

Nora smirked. "Suuuuure. And Ren doesn't come over to my place during the weekends for more than movie night."

"Nora!" Ren called. "You shouldn't talk about that in public."

The ginger rolled her eyes and gestured to the empty shop. "I'm sorry, I must not have noticed all the strangers around. Sorry everyone, excuse my non work related conversion."

"Can we please change the topic?" Ruby asked.

Ren sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. What about the cabin preparation? Is everything ready?"

"Cabin preparation?" The girl in red asked.

Nora laughed a little. "And this is why you need to focus less on work. We go to your dad's cabin every year? Yang's been inviting everyone to come this year, so that's twice the usual people. Haven't you thought about how we're gonna work with so many more people?"

"Umm... No. I've been either working or being yelled at by Yang to be more social. I don't even keep up with that stupid email chain she's got set up." Ruby responded. "Who's on the list?"


Sorry, I seem to be a day late. Things have been so crazy this week, and to add to it, my headphones broke, so now I don't even have my music as much as I'd like (or more accurately, need).

Also! A little good news, I might get a boyfriend soon! It's the boy that I've said stuff about in the past, and I overheard him saying "I think I might get a new boyfriend soon" to one of his coworkers, and I'm one of the only people he talks to outside of work.

Sincerely yours,
Killian Joyus
A.K.A. Blew Neko

Cookies and Cream (a RWBY fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant