Road Trip

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Weiss made sure she had her bag and was waiting for Ruby in front of the building her suite was in. Ruby had promised Weiss a ride with her to the house, an offer that she couldn't refuse.

"Where is that girl?" Weiss mumbled to herself.

Neptune walked out of the building with Weiss' second bag and sighed. "Are you sure you'll be ok without me? Two weeks is a long time."

"I'll be fine, I have Ruby." The heiress chimed. "And as long as everything goes according to plan, I'll be ok."

"What's the plan?" The bluenette asked.

Weiss stiffened up. "That's the problem, I have no idea..."

Neptune sighed and opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as he saw a little red hybrid car pull up in front of them. The door opened and Ruby stepped out in jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red hoodie.

"Sup." She casually called over to the two.

Neptune laughed a little. "Alright, Weiss, it looks like your ride is here."

"Hello, Ruby." Weiss said happily as she brought her bag over to the trunk. "How long is the drive again?"

"About five hours!" Ruby cheered. "I tried to see if Jaune or Torchwick or anyone wanted to ride with us, but they all said that they had a ride or that they were gonna just meet us there, so it looks like it'll just be us."

"F-fantastic!!" Weiss replied, her face heating up.

Ruby looked at her suspiciously for a moment. "Are you getting sick? You look red."

"She's fine." Neptune quickly said, opening the trunk and putting both bags in. "Just excited."

"Oh, ok. We should get going soon if we want to get there before everyone else and jump in the hot tub." Ruby said, Weiss rushing into the passenger seat.

"Of course! We really should go." She said quickly.

Neptune shot her a look of warning. "Try not to rush things too much. I don't want you guys to have an accident."

"Don't worry, we're both response adults. It's fine as long as we are careful and things aren't pushed too far." Weiss said, glaring at Neptune a little.

Ruby nervously rubbed the back of her neck. "I feel like we're not talking about driving, so umm... Yeah, let's go."

The girl with red tips skipped over to the driver side and got in, starting up the car. Weiss took a deep breath before she waved Neptune goodbye, her home getting farther and farther away.

"So we're going to be in the woods?" She asked Ruby.

The driver nodded. "Yup. Woods, rivers, hills. All the good stuff."

Weiss smiled and shyly moved her hand onto Ruby's, which was resting on the seat divider. "Well, I'm expecting it to be a lot of fun."

Ruby took Weiss' hand and smiled brightly. "It's gonna be great!!"


After two hours, Weiss was extremely uncomfortable, both because Ruby was still holding her hand, and because she hadn't been able to move at all.

"Umm, R-Ruby, can we pull over and stop for a little bit?" She asked.

Without responding, Ruby began to turn the car into a dinner parking lot on the side of the road and pulled to a stop. She turned to Weiss with a smile. "Yes we can. I was getting hungry anyways."

She hopped out of the car and ran over to Weiss' side, taking her hand again and helping her up. The heiress blushed at Ruby's touch but didn't say anything, allowing the girl in red to guide her inside. They were brought over to a booth and each were handed a menu as they entered the dinner.

"Just call someone over when you're ready to order, alrighty? It's always great when a cute couple walks in here." The waiter said happily.

Weiss had to muffle her panic before speaking. "W-we aren't~!"

"Thank you, sir. It's great to see such a lovely little dinner." Ruby said, cutting Weiss off. "We've been driving for quite awhile, and we've still got a few hours left."

"Ah, well good luck! I hope everything goes well." He said before walking off.

Ruby took a seat and looks at the menu. "What do you want to eat?"

"Umm... Why didn't you correct him..?" Weiss asked.

"Because I didn't see the point, it's not like he's doing any harm." She responded. "The Philadelphia burger looks good. Seems like it's basically a cheese steak."

Weiss raised her brow. "Really? Y-you're ok with that?"

"Well yeah, I don't have any problem with it at all. Besides, we're close enough that it's not weird, and it's not like we haven't acted like a couple before, even if we were drunk." Ruby said.

The ivory haired girl softly smiled. "Yeah, there's nothing weird about someone thinking we're together."

"So, I'm having the Philadelphia burger, what would you like, Weissy?" Ruby asked.

She took a quick look at the menu before calling over the waiter. "We'll have a Philadelphia burger and a American burger. I'll have homefries with the American, and I'd like a vinegar and ketchup mix with them."

"I'll just have chili fries with my burger." Ruby chimed.

The waiter nodded as he finished writing everything down. "And to drink?" He asked.

"Gimme a chocolate milk. Make it a double." Ruby said in a western accent.

Weiss rolled her eyes. "Can you even have one meal without chocolate?"

"I didn't have chocolate on our date."

"You ordered chocolate cake for dessert."

"Oh... Yeah..." Ruby mumbled nervously.

The waiter giggled. "Well, what would you like to drink miss?"

"I'll just have coffee." Weiss stated.

The waiter nodded and walked away, leaving Weiss and Ruby to talk together.

"So, Weiss, we should get to know each other a little more!" Ruby said. "Ask me anything you want to know."

"Didn't we already do this on our date?" Weiss asked with a smirk. "We don't want to repeat that, do we?"

"Oh, it wasn't so bad. Plus, I still haven't heard anything about your family."

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