Miss Rose

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Ruby looked over at the customer that Nora had insisted she serve. The girl had an expensive white suit and bag, glowing white hair in a ponytail, and an expression that seemed like a mixture of disappointment and sadness.

"What's wrong?" Ruby asked.

The girl's eyes widened for a moment before she turned to Ruby. "N-nothing. You seem familiar..."

"The pictures on the walls I bet. I'm in most of them somewhere or other." The waitress laughed. "I like remembering all the happy customers. And if we get a celebrity, I always take a pic."

"Right. Of course. What are you doing over here?" The girl asked.

Ruby smiled. "Hello! My name is Miss Ruby Rose, and I will be your server tonight." She said, lightly placing down a tray that had an iced coffee, a lime cake with chocolate drizzle, and a hot chocolate with whipped cream on it.

"Oh, thank you, Ruby, my name's Weiss. Um, I didn't order that." Weiss pointed out.

Ruby smiled brightly. "I know, that one's for me. Nora thought you could use some company!"

Weiss' eyes widened in shock. "Oh... I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore." She said with a nervous laugh.

"We just talk. Have a nice time, make some memories, fall in love, get a dog together, live happily ever after. You know, a normal waitress/customer relationship. All business." Ruby stated calmly, sipping her hot chocolate.

Weiss was a bright red color, then quickly stood up and ran out of the shop without saying a word. Ruby got up to go after her, but when she got outside, Weiss was nowhere in sight.

Ruby's head dropped and she slowly walked back inside. Nora walked over and was about to begin speaking but suddenly stopped.

"Ruby..?" She quietly said. "Are you... Ok?"

The girl's with red tips looked up. "What?" She questioned, her voice barely audible. She cleared her throat. "Um, yeah, yeah I'm great. Why? Something wrong?"

"Go home." Nora ordered. "Right now."

Ruby's eyes shot completely open. "What?! No, I said I'd cover for Neo tonight and your shift is almost over! Who's going to run the closing shift?!"

"I've got it, I few hours won't kill me and it not like I have any plans. Go home, get some rest, don't come in tomorrow." Nora commanded.


"You can do whatever you want, you own the place. But I will beat you up if you show up tomorrow." She said. "It's just one day."

"But... Why?!" Ruby questioned.

Nora smiled. "You never leave this place unless Yang drags you out. Take a day for yourself. I don't know, hire a guy to show you the sights."

"You and Yang both now?" She mumbled in response. "But really, I'm fine to~"

"Shut it, or I'm gonna have Yang force you to all her favorite clubs."

"Please no..." Ruby begged.

Nora glared for a moment. "Then take a day."

Ruby sighed in defeat for the second or third time that day, Yang no longer being the only person to make her do that. "Fine, but I'm taking my hot coco with me."

"That's fair. Why don't you take the stuff the girl ordered too, I don't wanna waste it." Nora said.

Ruby nodded and grabbed a takeout box. She put the cake in and placed the drinks on top, but hesitated as she noticed a white bag sitting in the booth.

"Hey, Nora?" Ruby called. "If Weiss comes back, tell her that she left her bag and that I have it, ok?"

"Of course!" She chimed, sitting back in her chair at the counter.

Ruby walked out into the city and down the road back to her home. She passed a few people still on the street, made her way through the usual alley she uses as a shortcut, and walked up the few flights before making it up to her door. Ruby stopped for a moment and just stood at her door.

"What happened..?" She asked herself. "Why did I run..?"

Weiss was just standing in front of her door, trying to think through what had happened. She ran away from the girl in the cafe after she made her stupid joke. Why?

"Weiss?" Neptune questioned from behind her. "What are you doing? Did you lose your keys or something?"

Weiss looked over to her bag, hoping to quickly unlock her door and leave before Neptune could ask anymore, but realized that she had ran off without her bag. "Actually, Neptune... I did lose my keys."

Neptune stepped forwards and used his keys. "Now tell me what's wrong. Don't try to hide it."

Weiss sighed and walked in. "Fine..." She mumbled before walking to her kitchen.

She explained everything that has happened at the cafe and what had happened after she ran off. This horrible dragging feeling she had, and the buzzing me felt in her skin as she tried to figure out what had happened.

Neptune listened to everything with a knowing smiled on his face. "Hey, Weiss? You don't need to answer if you think it's too personal, but... Are you, perhaps maybe, gay?"

The heiress froze. What? What kind of question is ON MY GOD I'M GAY!!! "I-I think maybe... It's a possibility..."

"I'm only asking because you seem to have a crush on this waitress girl." Neptune said nonchalantly. "You know, she likely found your bag. Wanna go see her tomorrow? To get your bag of course."

"Yes!" Weiss responded enthusiastically. "Wait, no, I can't, I have work. You go get it."

Neptune sighed and smiled. "Think about her name, and think about her face. Clear everything else away. Do you want to see her again?"

Weiss sighed. "Yes... No..? I don't even know..."

The blue haired boy nodded understandingly and took his phone out, messaging someone or other. "Alright, I've canceled everything you have for tomorrow."

"What?! You don't have the power to do that!! How did you~!!! Why did you~?!!" Weiss responded, barely able to form sentences.

Neptune smiled. "I texted your assistant and told her that I'm gonna get you a date. She canceled everything without asking another question."

Weiss was about to start yelling, but the image of Miss Rose popped into her mind and she thought about spending time with just the two of them. "Ok, fine... What's the plan?"

"Well, let's start at that cafe. They probably know where to find her if she's not there." Neptune said. "What's this girls name anyways?"

Weiss looked away embarrassed. "R-Ruby Rose..."

Neptune blinked in surprise. "Alright, scrap going to the cafe, this is gonna be much easier than I thought."


Alright... I just saw the total eclipse... And I have no words.

I now understand why people through the world was ending during it, because the amount of power it has is amazing.
Here's an extra chapter.

Yours truly,
      Killian Joyus
            A.K.A. Blew Neko

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