Yang's Frustrated

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"I can't believe you, Ruby." Yang growled. "This was the perfect opportunity to have something of a relationship."

The red tipped barista rolled her eyes. "Yang, it's not like that. We don't feel that way towards each other."

Ren quietly stood nearby as the two sister spoke, looking through his paperwork as he sat in the cafe. It had been another slow day at The Cookies, and so only Ruby and Ren were actually working, Yang coming over to discuss what had happened a few days before.

He let his attention drift back to Yang after a few minutes, listening in on what she was saying. "~may not be the best person, but she likes you, and you at least enjoy her company. Please! If you don't try to be closer, I will set you up on another date, and this time it'll be with a girl!!"

"Yang, seriously, I don't lean that way." Ruby said, looking quite tired. "Maybe I just don't do relationships."

"So what your saying is that Weiss is the exception to your no girls thing?" Yang asked, seeming to not have even noticed what Ruby said.

Ren signed a few of his papers, finishing up everything he had. "Yang, why don't you just let Ruby go on this topic? It doesn't seem to me like it is something that you should concern yourself with."

"Exactly! Ren understands! And Weiss doesn't like me." Ruby mumbled at the end.

Yang rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll drop it, but she better at least come to the cabin."

"I invited her, but I'm not sure if she'll actually come." Ruby said. "Did we invite everyone else already?"

Ren nodded. "Nora and I will be coming of course. Roman will be there, and Neo has agreed as long as Yang comes."

"Of course, I expect nothing less." Yang said with a triumphant smirk. "She can't help but want me."

"Jaune set up everything his assistant will need while he's gone, so it should be fine for him to go. He invited Pyrrha, I hope that's alright." Ren said. "Oh, and I contacted your father and he said that he'd be there this year to make up for not being available last year."

"Great! Everyone's going to be there! We're not forgetting anyone, right?" Ruby asked.

Yang thought for a moment. "We've got our bro Torchwick, our nervous Jaune, our tiny Neo, we've got Renora, Pyrrha's gonna come, dad's making his way down, and we've got the Ice Queen. I think that's everyone in the main group and special invites."

Ren looked over to the girls. "What about Pen~"

"No." Both Ruby and Yang sharply said at once.

"She's weird." Yang said with a shiver.

Ruby rubbed the back of her neck, slightly turning pink. "And she doesn't really understand boundaries..."

"Ah, right, I forgot about what happened last Christmas..." Ren sighed. "Ok, so not Penny. Got it."

"Emerald?" Ruby asked. "I mean, we don't know her very well, but maybe inviting her would give us a chance to learn more about her."

"I'd rather not. I mean, if she comes, she'd bring Mercury, and you know how I feel about him." Yang said.

"You broke his leg last time you saw him and he didn't sue. I'd say you don't have the right to be mad at him." Ruby said with a deadpan face. "He's still limping and likely will never fully recover."

"Well... It's not my fault, he spooked me." Yang mumbled.

"He tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention so he could give you your wallet after you dropped it." Ruby said plainly.

Ren cleared his throat. "So maybe Emerald and Mercury shouldn't come, let's leave it there."

"Yeah, I'd like to stop talking about this..." Yang nervously grinned. "It's not something I'm proud of."

"Well at least you're not proud of assaulting a man. That's a good thing." Ruby said sarcastically.

Ren slammed a hand down on the counter. "Shut up, both of you. This isn't something we need to talk about, so let's end it." He sharply commanded.

Both Ruby and Yang looked at Ren in surprise, then Yang cleared her throat.
"Um... Yeah... Yes, sir." She said turning away.

The usually calm man sighed and went back to looking through his paperwork to see if he missed anything the first time through, Ruby pulled out a lime cake with chocolate drizzle and began eating it after pulling some money from her wallet and putting it in the register, and Yang just took out her phone to text someone.

Ruby looked up as the bell above the door rang and smiled nervously seeing an elegant girl in white walk into the shop.
"H-hello, Weiss." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"W-well..." The girl began. "I thought I'd start my vacation by getting something to eat at a local business."

"Vacation?" Yang asked, not looking up from her phone. "Since when did you start taking vacations? I thought you had an evil corporation to run?"

"Umm... There's nothing evil about Schnee Industries, and I don't actually run it. My father is the one that runs the company." Weiss clarified.

Yang looked up suspiciously. "He's a figurehead and you know it."

"Umm... Right." She said, turning back to the girl she was originally talking to. "Ruby, I would like a white chocolate cake with cherry drizzle, if you please. Oh, and could I get some white tea with that?"

"Of course! Would you like some sugar or milk to go with your tea? We also have honey and sugar free sweeteners." Ruby said cheerfully.

Weiss took a moment to think, then replied. "I'll have some milk in it." She said.

"Is that because of my comment about growing the other day?" Ruby asked with a giggle.

Weiss turned red. "No! I just... Want milk in my tea."

The girl in red nodded and started getting all of Weiss' order together as the heiress took a seat at one of the booths. Ruby began brewing the tea and grabbed a slice of white chocolate cake, carefully adding the cherry drizzle on top. She placed the cake in the freezer to give it a slight chill as she finished the tea and then brought them over to where Weiss was sitting.

Ruby smiled. "Hello! My name is Miss Ruby Rose, and I will be your server today." She said, lightly placing down a tray that had a mug of white tea with milk, a white chocolate cake with cherry drizzle, and a hot chocolate with whipped cream on it.

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