Frozen Treats

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Weiss smiled gently. "Did you want to sit and talk, Ruby?"

"Why I would love to." Ruby chimed as she sat down and took a sip of her hot chocolate.

Weiss sighed happily. She is so darn cute... I can wait till she's ready.

"So, Weiss, you said you were on vacation?" Ruby asked.

The girl in white nodded. "That is correct. I had a few things I needed to sort out first, but I did get a few weeks off."

"Wow! A few weeks?! What for?"

Weiss smiled. "So I can go to your cabin with you. You didn't actually give me any clear date, so I just emptied my entire calender until my next big meeting."

Ruby squealed and practically jumped across the table as she hugged Weiss. "Oh my God! This is going to be amazing!"

The heiress wrapped her arms around Ruby slowly and breathed in her scent, relishing the smell of roses. "I'm glad you're excited. I'm sure it'll be great." She whispered.

Ruby pulled away and Weiss couldn't help but miss her touch. "Ok, so we're going to be there for two weeks, but you don't have to stay every day. You can leave early or arrive late if you want."

Yeah right, like I'd leave while you're there. Weiss thought. "What should I pack?"

"Right, you're of course going to need basic clothes, I'd suggest something warm, seeing as we're gonna be a bit up north and outside a lot. Bring a coat. Umm, maybe a blanket. You should bring your bathing suit, because there is a hot tub. I mean, there's a pool as well, but we don't really use it at this time of year." Ruby explained. "Oh! And you'll need pajamas of course. Please try not to make fun of Jaune's, he gets self conscious about it. And you might need some hiking gear if you've got anything. Boots, a pair sturdy pants or shorts, and a good bag."

"Well, alright. I'll make sure I have everything." Weiss said as she sent a text out with a list of things she needs to Neptune. "So we'll be hiking and sitting in the hot tub. Anything else planned?"

"Well, we always play games. We've got Uno, Exploding Kittens, Apples To Apples, and Cards Against Humanity. Oh, we also like to play some of the games that high schoolers do at parties." Ruby said with a giggle.

High school party games? Darn it... My sheltered childhood is my downfall here. "Umm, excuse me for asking, but what games are those?"

"You know, Truth Or Dare, Spin The Bottle, stuff like that. But with more alcohol most likely." Ruby stated.

Weiss nodded. "O-ok, I'll prepare myself for that." She said.

Yang watched the two girls talking in the booth, not being able to hear quite what they were saying. She looked back down at her phone and at the message from Neptune.

"Please let Weiss try, she really cared about Ruby and wants to make her happy. Neither of them have any relationship experience, so I doubt things'll go very far too fast, so you don't need to go all big sister on anyone."

Yang growled to herself, typing in her response.
"You know that I really don't like Weiss, don't you?"

"Yeah, but Ruby does, at least in the friend way. Please, do this one favor for me." Neptune texted back.

Yang sighed.
"Fine, but you're gonna introduce me to your boyfriend, or I will introduce Weiss to my fist."

"Did... Did Ruby tell you?"

"I guessed after your little date with her went so well. She's not a very good actor."

After a few minutes, Yang felt her phone vibrate, signaling that Neptune had responded.

Yang smirked at her small victory. "Hey, Ren, what do you think about Weiss?"

The boy brushed his hair away from his eyes and looked over at the two girls sitting at the booth. "I think that she wasn't aware that Ruby wasn't into women until just the other day. She wants to be with her, but is trying to respect Ruby's feelings. Weiss does seem to care quite a bit for Ruby, which is odd considering that she's always so cold with the press and even Schnee business partners."

"Yeah, that's why I didn't really believe it at first. She seems almost like the evil queen of fairy tales, but seeing her over there with Ruby... It's hard to say." Yang responded.

"So, you're going to let things play out? That seems a little out of character for you." Ren said.

Yang nodded. "Yeah, and it's really frustrating too, but I don't really know what to do about this. I want Ruby in a relationship, but I'm not really sure how to help her when it comes to girls. I don't really have much experience besides making out with Neo when we were drunk. And I don't like Weiss, but she seems to honestly care for Ruby, and as someone that's not really all touchy feely with relationships, I can't help there either." She said. "For the first time in a long time, I feel completely helpless to guide Ruby, and it fucking sucks. I just hope things go well for my little sister."

Ren nodded. "I understand how this would be confusing or frustrating, but..." He looked over and say the massive smile on Ruby's face and saw her holding hands across the table with Weiss. "I think everything will be fine."


I feel incredible!
I've upset my boyfriend by never being available and not telling him where I am before I become unavailable, I've been getting poor grades on my PSAT tests, I'm getting bullied to the point where I don't even want to go to school even though I love my education, and my boyfriend and I can't even go on dates to make everything better because he's grounded! Yay!

All hatred of existence aside, I'm sorry for being a little off schedule, things have been hectic. As I've said, I've got the SAT coming up, so that's a big freaking think to worry about. It's been giving me nothing but stress, and that stress isn't helped by anything else going on.

My boyfriend and I can't go on dates, which is upsetting up both, and with that, it's making it so both of us are easier to set off. We aren't getting into fights, but we are both getting upset by things that usually would only disappoint us. But... I'm still not being a good boyfriend. He gets worried if I'm not answering his messages, and he messages constantly, so sometimes I just... Don't look at them...

I'm sorry, I'm horrible... I'll try to be better, but it's hard for me. Thanks for reading my story, and I hope that this bit here doesn't ruin it for you.
Sincerely yours,
   Killian Joyus
      A.K.A. Blew Neko

Cookies and Cream (a RWBY fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin