First One In

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Weiss walked outside, her face turning pink when she saw Ruby, reminding her of what happened in the bedroom. "Hey there."

"Oh, umm, h-hey, Weiss." Ruby mumbled. "You ready to hop in?"

The heiress nodded, making her way to the edge of the hot tub. "You still want to be the first one in?"

Ruby smiled and stepped into the hot tub slowly, allowing herself to get use to its heat. "Oh man, that feels great..." She said as she slipped into the water.

Weiss didn't even bother trying to look away. "It is great indeed." She mumbled to herself, beginning to get in after Ruby.

As she sat down across from Ruby, the girl in red made her way right up to Weiss' side. The white haired woman shivered as she felt Ruby's leg graze her own.

"You ok, Weiss? You're not still cold, are you?" Ruby asked, to which Weiss simply shook her head.

An arm put itself over her, and Weiss looked at Ruby with wide eyes. "W-what are you doing?"

Ruby was looking the other way. "You were shivering, so... I figured I'd try to help you warm up." She said, a slight tint of red on her cheeks as she continued looking away.

Weiss smiled to herself and cuddled up to Ruby, relishing in the skin contact they shared. "Hey, Ruby?"

"Yes, Weissy?" The brunette answered without missing a beat.

The Schnee hesitated at the name, but kept going after a moment. "Would you hate to be with a girl?"

Ruby looked deep in thought for some time. Weiss began to feel afraid that she had made a mistake, attempting to move away from Ruby, but she was stopped by the flamboyant girl's arm tightening its grip on her shoulder.

"I wouldn't be completely against it." She answered. "Why do you ask?" Ruby whispered, looking into Weiss' eyes.

The heiress fought every urge to kiss the girl, but couldn't force herself to look away. "I was just curious." She lied.

Ruby looked slightly disappointed in this answer, but her smile came back a moment later. "Alrighty."

"Ruby..? Did you want a different answer..?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know." She said quietly. "Maybe..."

"Would..." Weiss guided Ruby's face to be looking directly at her. "Would you mind if I tried something..?"

Ruby looked right into the eyes of the girl before her. "No... I wouldn't mind..."

Weiss leaned forwards, her hands reaching up to either side of Ruby's face. She slowly closed her eyes, Ruby doing the same. As the distance lessened, Ruby could feel her heart rate rising, and the sensation of Weiss' breath was enough to make her dizzy.

Maybe they were all right. Maybe I do like Weiss as more than just a friend. Yeah... That would be nice. Weiss and I, together as a couple.

Ruby continued fantasizing till the breathing moved away from her and she felt Weiss pull back. Opening her eyes, she saw the heiress running inside, grabbing a towel off the poolside shelf before disappearing through the door.

Oh... Ruby thought. Right... I knew she didn't feel that way. We're just friends. Right.


Yang drove down the road on Bumblebee, talking to Neptune over her headphones.

"So, tell me more about the guy? You've told me some of his basic information, but I want details!"

"Come on, shouldn't you be focusing on the road?" Neptune said. "Why don't you just wait till you meet him?"

"Because I need someone to talk to and nobody wanted to ride with me today because they were still last minute packing or working. Even Torchwick has work today." Yang said.

Neptune froze for a moment. "Don't you work with Roman?"

"I filed for vacation before he did, and got an extra day so I can beat Ruby to the hot tub."

"Extra day?" Neptune asked. "I thought today was when you guys were all going. Weiss and Ruby left this morning."

Yang hesitated. "This morning..? Then they should be at the house by now... THE HOT TUB!!"

"You guys really need to get your priorities straight..." Neptune mumbled.

Yang zoomed down the highway, reaching the off ramp in record time, and continuing down the roads and paths to the cabin. She forced herself to slow down a bit when on the local roads and dirt paths, trying not to crash or break too many speed limits.

The massive wooden house loomed ahead as Yang pulled into the front area and saw Ruby's car in the driveway. "Damn it..."

Yang walked inside after parking in her favorite spot, making sure Bumblebee was firmly in place. She looked around, breathing in the crisp air of Cabzilla, as she has been referring to for a few years, mightiest of all cabins.

She hesitated though when she heard rapid, heavy breathing coming from one of the rooms upstairs.

They better not be fucking up there... Yang thought to herself as she went up the stairs to get a better look at the situation. When she made it to the top, she realized that it sounded more like someone was hyperventilating rather than pleasure moaning.

She opened the door to see Weiss on the floor with her knees covering her face, struggling to breath. Yang quickly went into her backpack and pulled out a small shopping bag, tapping the heiress on the shoulder and handing her the bag when she looked up.

After a few more minutes of breathing into the bag, taking a few deep breaths, then breathing into the bag some more, Yang looked her in the eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked Weiss. "What happened?"

Weiss looked up at the blonde, tears in her eyes as she was still having difficulty keeping air in her lungs. "I am such an idiot..."

"True, but what happened this time?" Yang asked gently.

"I... I was going to kiss Ruby... She was waiting for me to kiss her... Then I ran away, I got scared..."


Hey there, the bastard son of a whore and a Scotsman here, the man in the magenta tie! I know it's been awhile since I've added to this story, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm here now.

Umm... I'm gonna even more distracted for awhile... My boyfriend is in the hospital... He'll be there for the next two weeks... So yeah, a tad distracted.

Well, here you go, sorry it's late.
As always, I am yours truly and forever,
   Killian Joyus
      A.K.A. Blew Neko

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