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"So Arabella."

I ran my fingers across

The smooth record stacks

And watched her lips curve into a frown.

"So Mystery Boy."

"I'm Ashton."

"So Ashton."

I chuckled and grabbed her hand

"Come with me."

She gave me a strange look

One of confusion and horror

"Don't kidnap me."

I took her hand in mine

And our hands fit together like

Blankets and tea

A lock and a key

The moon and the stars.

I took her down the street

To the coffee shop

Where we both ordered

A large cup of green tea.

"I've never met a guy

As straightforward

Yet oddly fascinating

As you are, Ashton."

A smile formed on my lips

Making her blush

As she sipped her tea.

"And I've never met a girl

As beautiful

Yet sadly broken

As you are, Arabella."


they are so cute

i ship them


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