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We were halfway home

When she spoke again.

"Don't wish for me"

She whispered

Frowning at her lap.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not good for you

And you deserve someone

Who won't screw everything up."

I inched closer to her

And a newly defined crack

Appeared on my heart

When she shifted away.

"You don't screw anything up."

She stayed silent for minutes.

"You don't know why he's gone."

"Who is he?"

"The boy I loved.

He left me

Because he thinks

That I didn't love him.

He caught me once

Drunk for the first time

Since I met him

And I was making stupid decisions

As every other drunk person does.

And he saw me

With another boy

And immediately assumed

That I was unfaithful.

And he left.

And now I am simply

Unable to love

And I do not accept love

Because I'll just ruin everything

And hurt everyone in my path


And inevitably."

The train came to a stop

And we filed out.

We stood together

On the silent platform

As the train pulled out of the station

And I held her hands in mine

And I rested my forehead against hers

And I whispered

"I don't care that you ruin everything

I don't care what you've been through

Because I will wish for you tonight

And tomorrow night

And every night after that.

I won't be like him.

I mean, I'll show you what love is

I'll show you that it's okay to love

And be loved again.

But I won't ever leave

Because you're worth it."

We stayed in silence

Letting our breaths

Evaporate into the air

Like the wishes I had just made

That were far from possible.


awwwwwww bae

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