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She soon became

Too weak to walk

Because the numerous

Surgeries and chemotherapies

Were wearing her down.

It was as if the monster

Were nipping at the skin

Ripping a small piece of flesh at a time

Slowly torturing

And maddeningly excruciating.

I completely dropped all schoolwork

And stayed by her bedside

To take care of my sweet princess.

I read her books

Even though she would fall asleep

Midway through the story.

I made her food

Even though she would fall asleep

Before I brought it to her.

I sang for her

Even though she would fall asleep

At the end of the first song.

This continued for months

And the monster grew stronger

And stronger

And stronger.

She was moved to the hospital

So they could try to kill her monster

But they told me they couldn't

And when I asked why

They just stared at me sadly

With a pitiful look in their eyes

And said,

"Son, let her go."


crying rn

oh guys i've got another surprise soon ;-))

hint hint it involves another fanfic?¿

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