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Spyen could slowly feel herself starting to regain consciousness and as she felt her body come back into the present, she could feel the despair. She let out a breath and put a hand to her head. Her face contorted in pain both from the headache she had as well as the remembrance that Ward was gone.


Spyen heard Skye's voice and let out a breath, "He's gone?"


Spyen slowly opened her eyes and dropped her hand. She recognized that her body was stationed in the lab on a hospital bed. She had an IV in her arm with liquid pumping into her body. She touched at the IV, "What's this?"

"It's to keep you calm." Skye had a hard time looking into Spyen's eyes.

Spyen suddenly felt how she wasn't quite in control of her body. She glanced at the clear liquid that was filling up her blood stream before looking back down to Skye.

"I didn't expect to react that way."

Skye finally looked to her sister, "Neither did we."

Spyen let out a sigh, "Where did they take him?"

Skye shook her head, "You need to rest." She went to leave Spyen's side, but the younger sister clasped onto Skye's hand.

"Skye, where is Ward?"

Skye swallowed before letting out a breath, "He's gone and he is not coming back." Skye pulled her hand from Spyen's wrist and quickly fled away from her. Spyen watched her sister go and shook her head.

The young agent let out a breath before she slowly pushed herself up to a sitting position and swung her feet to the edge of the bed. The action made her dizzy and she knew the source. She glanced down at the IV before she gently pulled it from her arm.
"What are you doing? You need to rest."

Spyen glanced up at Jemma who had rushed to her side. Spyen shook her head; "I can't sit here anymore Jemma. And this stuff you're pumping into me, isn't helping."

Spyen could feel that her body was exhausted, but her mind was fully active and she needed to do something other than sit and think.

"Spyen, you need to take it easy. You've been asleep for two days."

Spyen's eyebrows turned up, "Two days? What the hell did you shoot me up with?"

Jemma kept her calm demeanor, "It was just something to help you sleep."

Spyen put her weight onto her feet, "Sleep is the last thing I need."

Without another glance at Jemma, Spyen stalked away from the lab with a slightly wobbly gait.


Spyen sat in the middle of her bed in her room with her legs folded and her fingers twitching. Her body was incredibly tired, but her mind wouldn't quiet. Spyen wasn't quite sure what day it was, but she was sure she hadn't slept since she woke up in the hospital bed almost two days ago. The young agent could still see swipes of blue and white flash through her mind, but she could also see Ward being dragged away from her screaming figure. The agent quickly stood from her bed and slipped on her shoes before walking out of her room.

Spyen's steps brought her body to the lab, but she wasn't expecting to see Jemma unzip a body bag. Jemma looked up at Coulson and Skye who were standing over the body with sullen eyes.

"Does she have a family?"

Skye shook her head, "No one. No relatives, no kids."

Coulson was still looking down at the woman, "She didn't deserve this."

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