Dr. Dad

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Spyen looked out of the window of the Bus and let out a sigh. The last time she was on the plane she had been recruited by the new Director of SHIELD and had been reunited with her sister. Now she was on her way to Hawaii with half the team. Spyen looked down at the clouds and suddenly found herself dizzy. She let out a breath and turned her head away from the window. She watched from a distance as Skye and Coulson talked. She wanted to know what they were talking about, but she couldn't find the will to stand up.

Spyen slowly allowed herself to fall into a light sleep, but the moment the plane touched the ground, she was wide-awake. Spyen let out a small stretch before she pushed herself off of her chair and reconfigured herself in the cargo ramp. Skye and Trip were already assembling weapons. Spyen joined them, but didn't feel the need to touch a gun.

"What are we gonna do, storm Oahu?" Coulson came from behind the agents.

"We don't know yet."

Coulson set a case on top of another crate, "Ditch the guns. Take this." Coulson handed Skye a watch.

Skye was skeptical, "What is it?"

"It's a watch. Deliver it to Cam, the owner of the Kahananui Repair Shop. Here," Coulson handed Skye a ticket stub, "It'll need the following inscription: "Dearest Darren, I count the seconds we're apart. Love, your Island Flower." You got that?"

""Island Flower", Got it. Anything else?" Skye examined the ticket stub.

"If it starts to leak any fluids, drip it, run."

Skye held the watch with two fingers away from her body, "This does not sound like a watch."

Coulson handed Trip a button, "Take this to the Ka Pua Dry-Cleaner on Makamoimo Street."

Trip was confused, "Maka-what, now?"

"Not the one on Hookelewaa."

Trip hesitantly pushed the button into his pants pocket, "Am I good with this in my pocket?"

"That depends. You ever want kids?"

Trip quickly pulled it from his pants and held it in his hand. Spyen let out a small smirk at Trip's reactions.

"And bring back the blue tie."

Trip gave a nod, "You got it, sir."

"Get back here ASAP. This Bus has to be wheels-up in forty minutes."

Trip and Skye quickly nodded to their orders and left the Bus.

"And Spyen, "Coulson hesitated fully aware that Fitz was in the room, "I need you to tap into your HYDRA training and give me as much detail as you can about how they operate from the inside."

Fitz turned his head to Spyen and her eyes went wide, "Sir, I don't—"

"I'm just asking you to remember anything about HYDRA. If they knew about the blueprints for the city before and how they know it now. Can you do that?"

Spyen pulled in a breath, "I don't know if I can. Everything is in a different perspective now."

Coulson tilted his head slightly, "Get what you can. Anything would help."

Spyen let out a slow breath before nodding, "I'll make a few calls."

Coulson was pleased with the answer and turned to Fitz, "You wanted to get back in the field? Here's your chance." Coulson opened the case that he had brought down.

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