Hex Witch

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As slowly as her body was able, Spyen woke from her deep medicated sleep. The first thing that Spyen noticed was that her mind was completely quiet. She found it odd seeing as she was just starting to get used to the noise. She glanced around the room and figured that only a few hours had passed. Her phone wasn't within her reach so she couldn't tell what time it was. Spyen pushed the sheet off of her sweaty body and looked up at the celling.

The honeycomb pattern of the room reminded Spyen of the Avengers tower in New York. Spyen let out a breath but furrowed her brows.


The room was empty, but she was remembering the last thing she saw before she was pulled into her sleep. Spyen tried to push herself into a sitting position, but she found that it was incredibly difficult. Her limbs still felt under the influence.

The door to her room slowly pushed open and Spyen looked up at Fitz.

"Whoa, hey. Careful." Fitz hurried into her room and came up to her side. "You might feel a bit woozy."

Fitz helped Spyen up into a seated position and she leaned her head against the wall, "How long have I been asleep?"

Fitz looked down at the watch on his wrist, "Uh, coming up on...sixteen hours now."

Spyen's eyes went wide, "Sixteen hours? What happened? Did I miss anything?"

The moment that Spyen asked her question she felt Skye, "Is she okay? Is Skye okay?"

"Uh, I-I don't know everything. But, uh...She'll be okay."

Spyen sat forward, "What happened?"

Fitz shrugged, "I guess she and May went on mission. I was here, working on the inhibitor."

Spyen felt the room around her tip and she closed her eyes to get it level again, "But she's okay, right?"



It was quiet in the room for a moment before Fitz answered, "Did you call for me when you woke up?"

Spyen looked up at him, "Um, I didn't really call for you. I just said your name because you were the last thing I remember before I went to sleep."

Fitz let out a breath, "Hmm, because I heard you in my head."

"Oh, sorry."

Fitz shook his head, "No, it's okay."

Spyen pushed her body so that she was sitting in the edge of the bed, "Help me up, will you? I want to walk around."

Fitz held a hand, "Are you sure?"

Spyen slowly stood, "I've been lying down for sixteen hours. Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I want to see Skye."

Fitz had to keep Spyen up from her wobbly legs, "She's on the couch with Jemma."

Once Spyen was stable on her feet, she slowly let go of Fitz, "Hey, um, thank you."

Fitz looked back at her, "For what?"

"For helping me."

Spyen suddenly realized what had happened before she was sedated. Her eyes went wide, "Oh, God. Did I hurt Andrew? Is he okay?"

Fitz saw her fear and quickly nodded his head, "Y-y-yeah. He's fine. You didn't do any damage. I mean the wall got a bit knocked around, but no damage."

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