Chapter 6

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Lance lept away from the man and nonchalantly leant on the table. "Keiiiith! Hey mannn! ¿Que bola?"

"What. Are. You. Doing." Keith took a step towards them, anger evident on his face.

The man stepped towards Keith, composed yet still... Intimidating. "I thought it was quite clear what we were doing," he said, taking another step towards Keith. "And I thought I made it quite clear what I wanted you to do."

Keith ignored him and turned to Lance, hurt in his eyes. "So you're willing to betray the team, to just jump ship and change sides at the first pretty guy to come along?" He shook his head in disgust, "I can't believe you."

Lance cocked his head in confusion and pursed his lips slightly; "Betray the team? How?"

Keith threw his hands up into the air "You don't consider practically fucking Prince Lotor betraying us? You're fucking disgusting."

Lance clutched at his head, gasping slightly at the sudden pain that shot through him. "L-Lotor?" He stammered out, struggling to regain his memories. Why was that name familiar?

Keith stormed over to Lance; quickly, Lotor stepped in his path. Using the sheer strength of his anger, Keith pushed Lotor out the way, making him stagger backwards a few paces.

Keith rushed to Lance and pressed two fingers up to the boy's temple. "Get it through your thick skull. You were giving yourself up to Prince Lotor, the fucking leader of the Galra Empire." He shoved his fingers hard into the side of Lance's head, jerking it sideways. "You're a traitor." He dropped his hand and looked Lance dead in the eyes.

Lance slowly raised his head and met Keith's gaze. He held his glare, searching - praying - for some sign that he's lying. He looked and looked to no avail. Realisation began to dawn on him.

Frantically, he looked over to this man that just seconds ago seemed so inviting. "You are. Oh my God, you really are." Lance brought his hand up to his forehead, "How could I not realise? Why was I so ready to trust you?" Lance slumped down into his seat and put his head in his arms on the table.

Keith instantly felt bad. He didn't know. Why didn't he know?

Keith whirled around to face Lotor. He began taking steps towards him, slow and powerful. "You knew he didn't remember anything didn't you?" He was face to face with him now. "You're pathetic."

Lotor bristled at this and began to slowly pull his hand back, getting ready to strike Keith.

"Keith, go."

Lance was now sitting upright, staring at the two of them.

"No Lance!" Keith replied, "We have to get back to the team. We need to get out of here, away from him."

Lance stood up and made his way round to them, settling at Lotor's side. "No Keith. I've made my decision and I'm going to stay. Tell the team I'm sorry."

Lotor laughed and pulled Lance in at the waist. Keith wasn't sure if he imagined it but he was almost sure that Lance cringed at his touch. Just as quickly as the emotion arrived on his face, it disappeared: quickly replaced by Lance leaning into his arm and grinning fondly.

"Go." Lance said with finality.

The authority in his tone shocked Keith into action and he began to head back through the door he came through, back to his lion.

He looked back to see Lance nuzzling into Lotor. The sight made him sick to his stomach. He couldn't believe Lance was actually abandoning the team for Lotor, Prince fucking Lotor.

It just goes to show that you can't rely on people, even people you thought you could trust.

He made it out into the hall and turned back one last time to shut the door. As the door was sliding shut, he saw a scene similar to the one he walked in on. He turned away and head down the corridor.

Lotor kissed Lance, softly at first but it gained fire and passion as it progressed. Lotor softly nipped at his lip, making Lance open his mouth and allow him in. Their tongues met and once again the kiss gained heat.

Lance let his hands travel up to Lotor's hair and get tangled in his fair locks. Lotor's hands roamed around Lance's back, occasionally daring to go lower.

Yet somehow Lance just couldn't get invested. Knowing who this man was changed everything; to the point where being near him felt disgusting.

But he couldn't let Keith get hurt. It tore him apart to think that Lotor would lash out at Keith and it sickened him knowing that he would be the cause.

So regardless of how much he hated Lotor, Lance would hate himself more if Keith got hurt because of him. So he did the only thing he could do.

Lance knew Lotor would not let him go without a fight but if Keith could get out and get back to the team, then Lance would do everything to make sure that happened.

He would do anything for Voltron and if that meant giving everything up to be trapped with Lotor then so be it.

Lotor began gently kissing down Lance's neck before sucking on his collarbone, being sure to leave marks.

"You're mine now" Lotor whispered into Lance's ear.

"I know" Lance said.

We're coming back for you...

Shiro's words still rang through Lance's mind.

Not this time.


Hey did y'all watch season 3? No spoilers but i frikin loved it.
Anyways, this wasn't how i planned this chapter to go down so i guess I'll have to change what i plan to happen in the future a bit lmao.

But omg WOOOW TYSM FOR OVER 1K READS JFC. This book sucks idk why you're reading it but thanks anyway :)

Art by (appropriately named) langsts on tumblr.

Yee thanks for reading, i hope this isnt to awful or cringey?? Idk

Anyways, see ya cool cats

Apologies - Klance/Lancelot VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now