Chapter 13

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Lance sat in his seat like a schoolboy in trouble, looking down and fiddling with his hands. Lotor said nothing. He simply sat next to Lance, looking forward blankly. They had been like this since they left the castle, Lotor stoic and Lance feeling an uneasy sense of guilt creep in. Eventually, Lance was unable to stand the passive aggressive silence.

"Lo, please tell me what I've done wrong." Lance cried out. Lotor turned and sneered at Lance, "You should know what you've done." he scoffed indignantly. Lance shook his head vigorously, "I'm sorry Lo but I really don't know what it is. Please tell me."

"Let's review; you beg me to talk to your precious paladins even though it makes me feel awful. When I try and do something really nice for you, and decide to bring you to your castle, you put up so much of a fight that I literally have to pull you by your wrists. I even got you a new outfit!" Lotor was counting off the points on his finger tips. "And then while talking to your old teammates you say that you wish you didn't have to come back." The price narrows his eyes. "Or did you forget that I would be able to hear the whole thing?"

Lotor's anger scared Lance and the blue paladin wanted to do everything he could to appease him - just so he wouldn't take it out on the people he loved.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I just wasn't thinking." In all honesty, Lance did feel a little bad for Lotor. It can't be nice to hear that someone doesn't want to be around you and Lotor had been very nice to Lance, buying him clothes et cetera. "I promise I'll be better next time."

Unexpectedly, the prince burst out laughing, the sudden noise making Lance jump. "Next time?" Lotor spat out, still giggling a little, "There won't be a next time!" His laughter turned cold and threatening. "This was a chance to prove yourself and you failed."

Lotor's intimidating gaze scrutinized Lance, making him feel smaller and smaller; "You're not going anywhere."

The blue paladin gulped, his eyes scanning wildly for an escape - at least from this conversation. Not finding one, he attempted to appeal to Lotor's more loving and caring side.

"Please, Lo. You really can trust me; I really care about you and want to be here." Lance clung onto Lotor's arm desperately.

"Prove it." Lotor stated blankly. Lance jumped back, bewildered, but Lotor wrapped his arm around him and pulled him close. "Go on then. Prove it. Prove you want to stay and prove that you care about me. You can do this anyway you want, just as long as you give me solid evidence that I can trust you."

Lance's mind whirred as he struggled to come up with proof. He had to do this, he had to keep his family safe. It was time to man up.

Lance began twirling one of Lotor's long, silky, locks around his finger. He pressed himself against the prince and rested his hand on his arm again. "I can think of one way to prove it." He purred into Lotor's ear.

Lotor smiled and lightly cupped Lance's jaw, smiling as he pulled him closer.

Their lips were about to brush and Lance allowed himself to savour this feeling. He got the idea he may be here for longer than he thought and he may go crazy if he doesn't get the chance to relax. At least for now, he's going to let himself enjoy this.

"No." Lotor said, plainly.

Lance was startled and unsure what to do with this blunt rejection. He attempted to pull away but Lotor continued to hold onto his jaw, refusing to let him move.

Lotor spoke slowly with precision, "I don't want proof of physical attraction, that was clearly there from when you first spoke to me." He gripped the blue paladin's face tighter, not enough to cause pain but a definite threat. "Prove that you're loyal to me. Prove you won't run the first chance you get." He released Lance and turned away.

Lance tumbled backwards and fell back against his seat. "How am I meant to prove it?" He asked, desperate.

The prince simply shrugged. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by one of his servants entering the room.

"Prince Lotor, you have been summoned." The servant gestured to the hallway. "Please follow me"

Lotor stood and glanced at Lance, giving him a look that said stay there. Lance swallowed, slightly afraid of what was to come. He sat, fidgeted and fretted for what seemed like an immeasurable amount of time until Lotor strode into the room again.

He stood in front of Lance and put his hands on his hips. "You said you wanted to prove yourself; here's your chance"

Lance looked up hopefully, his eyes flickering across Lotor's face - searching for a sign as to what it could be.

Lotor smiled threateningly at the blue paladin, like a predator looking down at prey. "We have a guest. Deal with them."

Lance's mind ran wildly as he tried to figue out what Lotor meant.

Just as he was about to give up, somebody else entered the room. Lance looked up into the eyes of Keith Kogane, battered and bruised, leaning against the doorframe.

The red paladin smiled weakly, blood dripping from his forehead. "Told you we were coming back for you"

Oh hell Lance thought.


Ik i said friday but i finished this early and i was too excited to save it lmao. You're welcome :)

From this point on, im gonna try to upload every friday. It seems to be pretty productive so far

The song is melted by akdong musician btw

Also this has over 6k??? What? Why? Thank you though, i hope you like this

See ya pals

Apologies - Klance/Lancelot VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now