Chapter 15

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Art credit: quadriviuum on tumblr

Lance looked between Lotor and Keith. Keith smiled crookedly at Lance, clutching at the wound on his shoulder. Lotor looked at Lance expectantly, making shooing gestures in Keith's direction.

Lance stood motionless, unsure of what to do. Keith staggered up to Lance and took both of the blue paladin's hands in his own. "Lance, please come with me." He clutched tighter into Lance's hands "Whatever you think you're protecting, it's not worth it."

Lance's eyes flicked to Lotor, who was puffing up angrily at the sight of Lance being touched. Lotor's hands twitched and he clenched and unclenched his fists. Without a doubt, he was going to attack Keith.

He could take the hit for the red paladin, make sure he doesn't get hurt. But Lotor would just continue going for Keith and Lance wouldn't be able to stop him. Alternatively, he could throw a punch of his own - one that would hurt enough to make sure Keith doesn't come back. A blow that would keep Keith and the rest of Voltron out of harms way.

It would kill Lance to hurt Keith but he would do it if it meant he was safe. Time to start swinging; the acting skills he had gained with Lotor would come in handy.

"Protecting?" Lance scoffed, "I'm not protecting anything, I actually want to be here." The blue paladin ripped his hands away from Keith's grip in disgust "Why can't you get that through your thick little skull?" He tapped Keith on the forehead and then smeared the blood left on his fingertip on Keith's armor.

Lance walked over to Lotor and leant into his side, placing a hand on his chest. "You only protect things of value right? And right now, Lotor is the only valuable thing here."

One last blow, better make it hurt. Even if everybody hates him after this, at least they're safe.

"Did you honestly think I wanted to be around you? Not even your own family did, why would I?" Lance laughed snarkily "Go away now Keith. You're not wanted here... Not that you're wanted anywhere else though."

Keith sagged, utterly crushed. His head was down and he was still for a second. Suddenly, he snapped his head up, tears and blood streaming down his face.

"I hate you, Lance McClain."

He rushed out of the room, wanting to escape as fast as he could. His vision blurred and his head grew light as he struggled to recall the way out. It didn't matter that blood was pouring faster and faster from the cut on his head, he just needed to get out.

Lance's heart fractured as his words echoed in his head. His heart shattered when Keith's words echoed back. It was as if the shards of his heart were slicing him up from the inside. His fears were right. He was alone and everybody hated him.

He had nothing.

Lotor pulled Lance close and kissed the top of his head. "Thank you so much, my star. You really have proved yourself."

He almost had nothing.

Lotor was the only person who truly cared about Lance by this point. Lance had done his job, he had kept his team - and the universe  - safe, albeit at the expense of his happiness. That seemed like a small price to pay to keep his loved ones unharmed though.

Considering he wasn't likely to see his team again, Lance gave up. He gave up on fighting to hate Lotor. The prince provided the last scrap of joy and sanity Lance had: although he was the reason Lance lost them in the first place. He was going to clutch into Lotor like it was all he had because, in reality, it really was.


Hi! This is a little mini chapter bc i have no patience lol

I think my plan will be to upload every friday and maybe do extra days if i feel like it.

This is pretty dramatic wow, it was gonna be longer but i couldn't find a way to naturally extend it without it feeling awkward and weird idk

I frikin love all your comments so keep it up! Vote if you like too

さよなら (goodbye)

Apologies - Klance/Lancelot VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now