Chapter 7

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A/N: i dont normally start with these but hear me out. The song is actually a kids lullaby thing? I thought it was cute and spacey so i linked it but its not hugely relevant to the chapter? It does kinda set the mood though. Have a little listen if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lance layed across a chaise longue with his head on Lotor's lap. He was calm and relatively comfortable considering whose lap he was lying on.

Lotor gently played with Lance's hair and hummed quietly. Lance looked out at the view in front of them, almost content.

Once again, a perfectly crafted scene of space greeted him through a large window; this time, he could see an entire galactic disc and halo.

Lance was still tense around Lotor though, unable to fully relax. If he hadn't told me who he is, what else could he be hiding from me? In addition, he missed his team. In the time they had spent together, they had become members of his family and he longed for their company.

It had been a couple vargas since Keith had left and he was probably well on his way back to the castle, if not already there. He would have almost definitely been in contact with everyone though. He would have told them all about what Lance had done.

They probably all hate him for leaving them for Lotor. They probably think they're better of without him. They're probably replacing him right now.

Lance couldn't tell them that he was doing this for them, that he was stopping them from getting hurt. Lotor went to hit Keith earlier! Lance didn't even want to imagine what Lotor would do to Voltron if he tried to escape with Keith.

Shiro didn't know that though. Shiro probably thought that Lance had disappointed the team.
Pidge didn't know either. Pidge probably thought she had lost another member of her family.
Hunk also had no clue. Hunk had just lost his best friend.
Keith didn't know either. Keith... Well, Lance already knew exactly what Keith thought.
Allura probably thought that Lance's incessant flirting was the cause of this.
Coran. Lance didn't know what Coran would think. Whatever it was though, it couldn't be good.

Without meaning to, Lance let out a small whimper at the thought of his friends turning their back on him. Lotor instantly reacted, attempting to console and soothe him by rubbing his shoulder lightly.
"What's wrong, my blue eyed beauty?" He cooed into Lance's ear.

"Oh uh... Nothing!" Lance replied, quickly plastering on a smile to please him.

"Now now," Lotor chided, "You've been tense this entire time. What's the matter?" He continued to stroke Lance's hair, hoping to pacify him.

"I just miss home sometimes." Lance responds. It wasn't a total lie, he just wasn't referring to his home back on Earth.

"I see..." Lotor said, thoughtfully, "I hope - with time - you'll come to think of this" he gestured around him timidly, "as your home."

"Maybe eventually." Lance recited. He looked out the window again and let his thoughts wander, striving to forget his concerns for his team for now.

Lotor returned to playing with Lance's hair before leaning down to Lance's ear and quietly uttering "No view will ever parallel you, my star."

Lance looked up at him, a genuine smile beginning to creep up onto his face. Lotor beamed back at him and then lightly pressed his lips to his forehead. He then sat back up and touched Lance's hair some more.

Lance didn't know how long they stayed like this, Lance's head laying on Lotor's lap while Lotor hummed contently and played with his hair. Eventually, Lance relaxed enough to begin to drift off to sleep.

The last thing he heard was "Sleep well, my star." Before he sank into a deep slumber.


Ok this was short and dull but i have a plan for a more exciting chapter in the next couple days.

Fun fact: the song in this chapter is by the same person who did Bring Me To Life, you know that song that's like (WAKE ME UP) Wake me up inside (I CANT WAKE UP) Wake me up inside (SAVE MEEE) Call my name and save me from the daaark.
Yeah. That one. she made a child album recently and i literally listen to it every night to fall asleep, no joke.

Omg tysm for 1.6k reads!! This is happening so fast jfc. I hope i dont disappoint :))

Apologies - Klance/Lancelot VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now