The Rings of Akhaten [Part 4 - FINAL]

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Outside, Temple, Night...

Lucas, Clara and Merry hurried outside to the mopeds.

Lucas then heard Akhaten roar, making him run back to the door to look inside.

Inside, Temple...

The field created by the Doctor and Lexi's sonics dissipated as they turned them off.

Outside, Temple...

"Glorious! Doctor!" Lucas shouted into the temple just before the Doctor and Lexi came and joined him, Clara and Merry outside

The Couple of Time quickly used their sonics on the door.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the top of the pyramid to the sun.

"Where are you? Where are you?"

Clara put her arms about Merry protectively as the Doctor and Lexi used their sonics on the Vigil who were walking out of the temple. The three creatures soon disappeared.

"Where did they go?" Clara questioned.

"Grandfather seems to be awake now." The Doctor informed. "The Vigil are of no function anymore."

"Well, you could at least pretend to sound a bit more happy about it." Lucas told him as he crossed his arms, a slight frown on his face just before the sound of a distant explosion was heard.

"You see, the thing is... I think the Doctor and I may have made a bit of a tactical 'boo-boo'." Lexi said nervously, glancing around. "Well, it's more of a semantics mix-up, really."

Clara eyed her and the Doctor closely. "What do you mean 'boo-boo'?"

"We thought the Old God was Grandfather but he wasn't." The Doctor said quickly, glancing back at the Temple door before looking back at Clara, Lucas and Merry. "It may or may not have just been Grandfather's alarm clock."

"Sorry, I'm a bit lost." Lucas spoke up, holding a finger up. "Who is the Old God? And is there actually an Old God?"

"Unfortunately, uh, yeah." Lexi said quickly as they all looked up to the sun in the sky as it burned brighter, almost expanding.

"Oh, my stars." Clara breathed. "What the hell do we do now?"

"Against that?" The Doctor chuckled bitterly. "I don't know. Do you know? I don't know."

"So," Lexi clapped her hands together. "anyone got any ideas?"

"But you promised!" Merry exclaimed, looking up at Lexi. "You promised!"

"You did promise her, Lex." The Doctor whispered to her.

"I know I did, I was there." Lexi responded as she began to pace. "I did promise. Thanks for reminding me, dearie."

"He'll eat us all." Merry stated. "He'll spread across the system, consuming the Seven Worlds. And when there's no more to eat, he'll embark on a new odyssey among the stars."

The gases on the sun continued to whirl and burn, seeming to expand further.

"I say leg it." Lucas spoke up.

The Doctor quickly looked over at Lucas. "And where exactly would we go, Mr. Harper?"

"Don't know." He shrugged. "The Lake District is quite nice."

"Oh, the Lake District's lovely." Lexi chimed in, glancing over at him. "We should definitely go there." She then looked to the Doctor. "We can take them to eat scones. Remember they do great scones in 1927."

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