Hide [Part 2]

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Inside, House, Hall, Night...

"Say we actually find her. What do we say?" Clara whispered as she, the Doctor and Lexi walked through the dark corridors of the house.

"We ask how she came to be, whatever she is." The Doctor shrugged.


"Because I don't know. And ignorance is... what's the opposite of bliss?"


"Yes. Yes, Carlisle. Ignorance is Carlisle."

As the Doctor and Clara left a particular hall to walk into the kitchen, Lexi paused for a moment. She glanced behind her, swearing that she saw something move.

Seeing nothing, she just brushed it off before going to catch up with the Doctor and Clara.

Inside, House, Parlor...

Jupiter and Lucas checked behind a few other doors, working quietly enough so they could hear Emma and Alec talking with each other.

"Are they really from the Ministry?"

"Er, I don't know." Alec answered. "They've certainly got the right demeanour. Capricious... brilliant."


"Yes. Ha..." Alec chuckled. "They're liars... but, you know, that's often the way that it is... when someone's... seen a thing or two. Experience makes liars of us all." Jupiter agreed with that statement. No one knew that more than her family. "We lie about who we are... about what we've done..."

"And how we feel?" Emma asked softly.

"Yes." Alec nodded. "Always, always that." Emma tilted her head slightly as she ever so slowly walked her fingers along the desk towards Alec's hand, making him clear his throat nervously. "You know, I have to... have to be getting on with things. The, er, the equipment and so forth."

"Of course." Emma nodded, trying not to look disappointed as Alec walked away from her.

Jupiter resisted the urge to bang her head against the wall at Alec's resistance of Emma subtle advances, Lucas trying not to laugh at the face Jupiter was making.

Inside, House, Music room...

"Ah, the music room." The Doctor said as he, Clara and Lexi entered a room that had a harp in one corner with music stands placed about the rest of the room. "The heart of the house. Do you feel anything?"

"No." Clara answered immediately.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire." Lexi said in a sing-song voice, walking past Clara and going to the harp, plucking a few strings before taking out her sonic and scanning around the room. She frowned slightly when it flickered, not working like it should.

As Lexi slapped her sonic against the palm of her hand, Clara walked further into the room until she stood near the Doctor.

Clara tilted her head as Lexi walked over to them, frowning when she saw Lexi's sonic flickering just like the Doctor's seemed to be doing at that moment as well.

"Do you feel like you're being watched?" Clara whispered.

"What does being watched feel like?" The Doctor asked. "Is it that funny tickly feeling on your neck?"

"That would be it, dearie." Lexi nodded, looking around the room nervously.

"Then, yes, a bit. Well, quite a big bit." He nodded as he and Lexi put away their sonics before walking towards the door, stopping just in front of it.

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now