Meeting the Scouts

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Your POV
     'Well shit. It's been so many fucking years since that attack. I am still here at this forest, looking like Tarzan. Although, my hair did get longer this time. I really need to cut it. At the bright side, I finally learned where the weak spot it is to kill the titans.' I thought as I was hunting for food. It was raining and the there was fog, but lucky for me that I have perfect vision and have night vision which is part of being the Beast Tribe, that is what we called it back then. I am running all over the forest but only see nothing. 'Oh well. No use of hunting since it's raining. All the animals went back to shelter.' I thought. I was about turn back around until I hear a yell saying, "ADVANCE!!!" I hear another yell crying for help. I quickly turn back around and sprint towards the yells. I hear zip lines and slicing. I finally got a look and I see people with green capes with a strange but kind of motivational symbol with blue and white wings. "HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!!" I heard it from my left and see a man about to get eaten by the titan. I quickly help the man out by pushing the teeth back open but I couldn't hold on for much longer since my right arm and leg are holding the mouth wide open while my whole left side tries to get the man out of the titan's grasp. It wouldn't budge. I had an idea right away. I decided to punch a tooth out of the titan's mouth and the planned worked perfectly. The titan roared in pain and lets go of the man to hold his mouth with both of his hands. I jump out right before the titan's hands close in on me and caught the man that was falling. I land back on the ground with no injuries on me but as I lay down the man I hear a gunshot. "EVERYONE RETREAT WE HAVE CAUGHT A TITAN!! GET THE INJURED AND HELP THEM OUT!!" Before they can go to the man that I have saved, I carry him to what I suppose was a wagon that helped the injured since I see men and women getting the bandages wrapped around their broken bodies. I set the man down without saying a single word. "Thank you." He says and I just nod. I see all of them stare at me with wide eyes and in the corner of my eye I see a large man coming to me. I turn around to see him face to face, I see that his hair was blonde that was combed nicely on each side but the one thing that disturbed me were his eyebrows, I mean SERIOUSLY?! It looks like mini hedgehogs are on there. He then starts to speak.
"Hello there, what's your name?" He asked. I didn't answer.
" I see, the quiet game. Two can play this game." He says and with a snap of his fingers another large figure comes out of the shadows charging at me and tries to throw a punch at my face but I quickly dodged. I swiftly grab his fist, twist it, put it behind his back making him kneel to not break it. I look down at him and back again at bushy eyebrows. I then let go of the man who tried to attack me. I was now the first to speak this time.
"(Y/N) (L/N). Yours?"
"Erwin Smith. Commander of the Survey Corps." Eyebrows said.
"Survey Corps, huh? So what are you all doing here outside?"
"I should be asking you that, but the Survey Corps go outside to complete missions that include to collect some information about the titans and maybe sometimes we need to capture a titan alive, but don't ask why. Now, what are you doing here outside all alone in the forest?"
"Long story short, my tribe was attacked by the titans and I ran away which leads me here all alone in the forest."
     Now everyone was staring at me either in awe or in horror. I really didn't care what they think of me.
"And what kind of tribe are you from?" Erwin asked. I smirked.
"I am from the tribe that are the most ferocious and strongest people of all. The Beast Tribe."
"You mean, those savage beasts that are known for the power of the strength they have, but mostly on their legs." Some woman said from the back.
"I see that you've heard of us, right?" I say as I turn around to look at the person and it was a woman.
"Yes, my mother was the one who told me about it as I read it from a book." She says.
"Anyways, what're you going to do to me?" I turn back around to face Erwin.
"I say you come join us and help humanity, but if you refuse then we will take you into custody and hand you over to the Military Police to place for execution. Your choice?" He said. I immediately answer him.
"Fine, Survey Corps it is. This not to escape the execution because I could escape that easily but if my strength will be a huge help to humanity then I will dedicate my heart to humanity." I said. Now everyone had their jaws slightly dropped. I only chuckle quietly so no one can hear me.
"Let's head back to the walls!!" Erwin yelled to inform everyone that we're in the back.
"The walls?" I asked.
"Yes, you'll see once we get there. Oh, I almost forgot you don't have a horse. I-" he said but I cut him off.
"No need. I can run." I simply said with no expression on my face.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"I said that I can run." I say but a bit more louder. Right now everyone has gather up behind and realized that they have been hearing out. Here we go again with the eyes widening and mouth dropping.
"FORWARD!!" Erwin yelled. I shot myself forward and began to run but more likely sprint.
~Time-skip to an hour~
     Little did I know the members were staring at me in awe of how fast I go and that they didn't notice a titan coming over, that is until I saw it myself and head towards it. I heard many yells for me to stay behind but I ignore it as I went to jump up right up to its arm. I finally see the nape with absolutely no defense on it. I shot myself to it and with a swiftly but very powerful kick to the nape. The titan has fallen down and dead. I run back to everyone that are now fascinated but yet terrified to the work I just did. Someone then asks me something.
"How in the hell did you do that? With no weapons nor the 3DMG." I hear the voice from behind me and I didn't need to turn around to know it was a male.
"Over my years here I learned the weakness of the titans and since I am from the Beast Tribe I have the strength to jump up to 10 meters and punch the motherfuckers face with a single blow." I say.
Erwin's POV
     I see her take down the titan successfully without a scratch on her. Now she came back and being questioned. 'Once we head back I need to ask her a few more questions. Since she showed everyone what she can do to take down the titans there is no need for her to take hand to hand combat training, but I need to see her with the 3DMG since her jump won't be high enough for more higher titans.' I thought while staring forwards to see the walls came into view. "Walls Ahead!!" I yell to inform everyone. I hear some sigh in relief. After 10 minutes, we arrived the gate starts to open.

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