Meet the New Member of the Survey Corps

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I found this picture on Instagram, and thought this was a great cover to put. Credits to the artist/poster. Follow my IG at ItsKombo4Short.
Your POV 

     After the trial, Erwin, Levi, Eren and I walked into a room where the squad leaders have to meet. Hanji and some tall dude that I found out that his name is Mike were already there. We arrived soon after and Hanji started to talk to Eren as she already knew him.

"Eren, so your a titan shifter. We are going to do so many experiments together!! Aren't you excited?!" She says putting her arms into the air getting way to excited.
"U-um" he says but I cut him off.
"Pipe down, shitty glasses. Can't you see that you're making him nervous?" I say walking to them. Erwin comes behind me, then he talks.
"Since we've succeed in the trial, thanks to (Y/N). We can be more closer to finding the secrets to the titans, but that will take some time." Erwin reaches out his hand for him to shake it. 

"You have my respect. Welcome to the Survey Corps, we're glad you're here with us." 

"Me too, sir." Eren grabs his hand and shakes it firmly. After the hand shaking, Eren looks at my way, I caught him staring but he shifted his eyes to the other way. 

"What is it?" I say making Eren flinched.

"Oh, u-um, it's that you are the one that made me more eager to join the Scouts when I was a kid. You were the one who created that hole on the ground when you got angry, right? I saw you from behind the crowd and I saw you when you came back from every expedition." 

"Really? Didn't get scared like the rest of the cowards back then?"

"No, ma'am." I raised my hand, Eren shut his eyes tightly thinking that I would hit him on the head. He was really tall so I had to go on my tiptoes a to put my hand on his shoulder. Once I did, Eren opened hid eyes slowly and sees what I am doing.

"Happy to hear that there is another brave soldier." I say with no expression whatsoever. I bring my hand back and turn to Erwin. 

"You said that Levi and I will have to take responsibility for him. Why me?" I say looking up at Erwin. 

"Since you are the strongest soldier we have and Levi the second strongest, you both will have to put your squads together. Eren will be in your squad, with you two having to keep him controlled if he goes rouge."

"Makes sense, fine I'll do it."

"I knew you would."


"Ooooo, Levi and (Y/N), together." Hanji says smirking.

"Fuck off, Shitty Glasses." Levi and I say in unison. Oh great. Hanji's excitement in 3...2....1.

"Aah! I KNEW IT! YOU DO LIKE EACH OTHER!!" Hanji yells making my ears ring. She comes facing me and grabbing my arms where the shackles are.

"Hanji, if you don't shut your fucking yelling, I swear you'll be cooked, literally." With that, she was still holding on my shackles until she smelled something burning, she looks down and sees that her hands were burning, she lets go.

"HOLY SHIT!! THAT SHIT IS HOT!!" she screams, swinging her hands back and forth to cool down.

"Told you." I say. Eren stares at me with shock in his face. I turn back around facing him lifting one of my arms to show him. 

"Don't worry it activates when I'm in full rage or just really pissed. Like Levi, there, told you, don't get on my shit side. But these come with consequences." I say pointing my thumb back to Levi who was leaning on the wall. 

"What are those consequences? If you don't mind me asking." He says. I sigh.

"In order to use them at full power I have to use all my energy I have and if I use too much of my energy I may or may not die." 

"Wow. Hey, isn't that what Eren might need when he turns into a titan?" Hanji asks

"No. His ability is different from mine."

"How?" Eren asked

"You need to find out yourself. Anyways, Erwin, when are we leaving?" I say final to Eren and look up to Erwin.

"Right now."

~ A Few Moments Later ~

     After we arrived in headquarters, Erwin has informed us that we will be moving for we do not have a cellar, there was a building that has been abandoned for years far from headquarters but had a cellar that Eren didn't know yet that he will have to sleep in the cellar for caution. Both Levi's squad and mine, were riding on horseback to the building. After a long ride to the building our horses got a bit tired and walked, our squads up in front, Levi and I in the back. Eren looked back to see Levi shooting him a glare, he turned back around. I looked from the corner of my eye.

"Levi, cut the kid some slack." I say.

"What if he goes rouge?"

"Levi, I know Eren is dangerous, but I'm pretty sure he isn't that stupid." 

"But he is still a stupid brat." I chuckled a bit only Levi coud hear since he was next to me. Olou was getting closer to Eren to whisper something in his ear, only for his horse to stomp and bit his tongue, so much blood came out. We arrived to the building soon after, Gunther and Eld being the first to look at the building. The rest of our squads went to put their horses in the stables. 

"Look at these weeds. This place has gone to hell." Gunther says. Eld sighs.

"Its been abandoned for years, but the inside's a mess." Eld says. Levi and I came behind them.

"In which case, we have a problem, don't we?" Levi says, Eld and Gunther turn around to see us.

"Best to grab a broom and get to work." I say blankly. Everyone went to find some cleaning supplies, Eren came behind me and asked what he had to do. 

"You come with me." I say walking forward with two brooms and a towel inside of a bucket, Eren following me behind. Levi stared at me as I was walking towards inside the building, little did he know that I caught him staring in the corner of my eye and also behind him was a ginger haired woman glaring at me without anyone noticing her.

     Once we were inside Eren and I went to the upstairs where all the rooms were being held. We enter the first room and I told Eren that he will be cleaning the rooms from the other side and if he needs something, he can either tell me or Levi. 

"Where will the Captain be if you're not here?" he asked.

"He will be downstairs, one floor below. Now, get to cleaning."

"Yes, Corporal." 

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