Mission in Motion

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Your POV
     Erwin, Mike, a member, and I all got our coats that covered our jackets and our faces, but it only hid the gear halfway. At least we will be hiding in dark alleyways that way no one can see it.

~ 15 minutes later ~ (Spongebob)
     We took a carriage and we arrived in some staircases that Erwin told me that it was leading to the Underground. According to the plan, we all successfully entered the Underground District. 'This reminds me of my past. The way they treated me. What a horrible place.' I thought to myself when we were getting ready into positions. We all hid in four dark alleyways in the corner.
     We waited for five minutes now. There was a loud crash and there, the three thugs have finally made their move. We all shot our gear and followed them.

Three Thugs POV
     We all see the military police following us. "Geez, they won't just give up, huh." A girl with brick red hair in two short pigtails said. "Levi, bro, was it cool what I just said?" She said again.
"Don't be an idiot. They seem much more faster than those useless military police." A man that goes by the name 'Levi' said, making the girl, Isabel, pout.
"What do suggest we do, Levi?" A man with ash blonde hair said.
"Isabel. Farlan. Try to escape from them and if you do come back to me." Levi said.
     With that being said they all separated, Farlan took the left and Isabel took the right. Two soldiers went to their direction, leaving Levi with two soldiers. 'Let's see if these guys are really the military police.' Levi thought. He went full speed making the two soldiers behind a bit but quickly caught with him.

Your POV
     'Man, he is intelligent and fast.' I thought as we also went full speed to catch up with him. There in this moment he stopped and we all didn't stopped. We just flew by him by a few inches and he saw our jackets and the symbol. 'Shit. Now they are going to plan something right now.' I thought as I turn my head to look at his face, only to see that he flew back to his two buddies that were waiting for him for a second.

Three Thugs POV
     "Are they really the military police, Levi?" Farlan asked Levi.
"No. They are not. They are the Survey Corps." Levi bluntly said. Farlan and Isabel widened their eyes a little. "Levi Bro, what do we do now?" Isabel asked.
"Find a route that heads to the hideout without the Scouts being on your tails." Levi said. The two nod and separated again, Farlan to the left and Isabel to the right.

Erwin POV
     I see them all take different directions. "Mike and Sarah. You know what to do." I tell them. They both nod and went to catch the two. Sarah went to the right and Mike to the left. Now leaving (y/n) and I. "(Y/n), you will attack him when he is close to the ground and I will make him go down." I told her. She nods and says, "Got it." (Y/n) goes down but is still using her gear. I look down at her and we both nod to know each other that we are both ready. We both went into the plan.

Levi POV
     'Lets see how skillful the Scouts really are.' I thought. I then hook the gear to a large building that had a window that I can enter. I came out the window and someone attacked me from the top. I act quickly and ready to fight. I still couldn't see the face for the hood that covers them.   I hit the ground with my back but I put my hands out to do a backflip and land on my feet. The attacker stopped and stood there 10 feet away from me. Not even 5 seconds someone came in between us facing me and it sent me a punch to my face, I blocked it with my left arm. (CUE THE FIGHT VIDEO; Pretend you vs Levi here but you don't fall)

Your POV
     'Damn. This guy knows his opponents.' I thought. 'Let's just finish this off shall we?' I thought to myself. I threw another punch but this time in his gut since he's been blocking my punches and kicks with his arms above his chest. I punched him so hard that he fell down to his knees and hold to his stomach. This was my chance to handcuff him. I did and took him to Erwin. I see that Mike and Sarah already had captured the other two and now they are kneeled down and in line. I stand next to Erwin who set the raven haired man down next to the girl with brick red hair and short pigtails, I see that the three of them had their faces dull and keeping their mouth shut. They look like the same age as I am. That is when Erwin took off his hood and spoke.
"I'll ask a few questions. First, where did you get the gear?" None of them answered. He then went to Levi. "You are the leader, correct? Where did you learn to use this? Unless you trained in the military." He said as he held up a piece of the gear and once again no one answer. Mike grabbed the raven haired man's head and pushed him harshly to the gutter water. The two gasped and started to speak, "We trained ourselves. When you live in a place like this, you would know why." A man with ash blonde hair said. Then the girl spoke, "Yea, just let Bro go." Mike pulled back the raven haired man out. Erwin then went on one knee to meet him eye to eye. "My name is Erwin Smith. Commander of the Survey Corps. What is yours?"
"And these two?" I asked butting in.
"Farlan." "Isabel." They each said.
"Alright how about we make a deal then. Either you join the the Survey or I will send you to the military police. Trust me they won't treat very nicely." Erwin said.
"What will they do?" Isabel asked. I answered for her.
"They will charge your crimes and they will probably order for your execution." I said. "Is that right, Commander?" I look at Erwin.
"Yes. Cadet (l/n) please don't be rude and introduce yourselves. Mike and Sarah already did." With that being said I walk to them and took off my hood that was still covering me all this time. The two stared at me in awe and the raven haired man widen his eyes a bit and his mouth a bit agape. But kept his stoic face on.
"My name is (y/n) (l/n). One of the strongest and ferocious people from the Beast Tribe. Nice to meet to you. I must say that was quite the exciting fight we had, Levi." I said.
"So what will be your decision?" Erwin asked.
"Fine. We will join the Survey Corps." Levi said.
"Wait. You said that you are from the Beast Tribe and that if we don't cooperate the military police will execute us. How do you know that?" Isabel asked.
"Well, clearly I am from outside the walls and Commander told me about them so I have been in the Survey Corps for a week now and I'm pretty sure that they have already found out about me." I said.
"Lets move on now." Erwin said. We all get the three of them to the carriage and head back to headquarters.
     As I am the last to get into the carriage, a man had covered my mouth and put my arms behind my back and said lowly, "Don't do anything cocky if you want that pretty throat of yours safe." I had no choice but to listen and Erwin has caught us.
"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" He asked.
"Heh. Here to capture this thing. We will have the trial tomorrow morning whether she dies or not. She will be held in the basement under the courtroom. Now go back and take care of those brats." He rudely said.
"Commander its fine. I can take care of myself just take care of them." I told him with no expression. I was then pulled to walk to what I assume was the basement under the courtroom. As I look back to the carriage I see the three thugs staring at me and hidden behind those eyes, there was guilt.

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