Let the Battle Begin Part 1

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~Time Skip to 1 Week~

Your POV

We have already planned about how to find if Annie Leonhardt is the actual the Female TItan. Right now I am dressed as one average person that walks around the areas, some of us were on the rooftops to see if the signal goes off and some of us stayed down on the ground behind the buildings to be ready and sprint and trap her if she tries to transform.

So far we are still waiting, for them to come. By "them", I mean Eren who is trying to escape the Military Police who want to kill him, Armin who needs to see if his hypothesis is true, Mikasa the one who can't live without Eren in her life, and of course, Annie.

We waited for another 5 minutes when he hear Annie's voice, everyone ducked a little more and they were ready foe what's going to happen next.

3rd POV

As the trio and Annie got to the stairway that leads to the Underground, Annie stayed behind. The trio turned back around and Eren tried to convince her that she should come down with them.

Annie stayed quiet for a bit of time, until she spoke. She spoke low but loud enough for the ones that are in the front. Eren started to freak out and so did Armin about that they'd be wrong for doubting her by walking down the stairs until Mikasa broke it off by taking off her coat and her sword ready to cut her. Annie just laughed like she sounded very sadistic, but really she was screaming and crying on the inside.

After her creepy laugh, she looked at Armin and told him that she was glad that she could a "good person", but no. She was like she knew everything was going to happen to her, she wanted to gamble as well. Annie brought her finger to her mouth until Armin fired the signal.

Your POV

We all heard the signal go off, everyone was quick to act and sprinted towards Annie. I was the only who stayed behind because I had a weird feeling that something will go between good and bad.

I came out a little to see what is happening. Many were holding onto her legs and arms from being hurt so she won't transform. Someone even gagged her from biting her hand. In the corner of my eye I see something shiny yet rusty. There, around her right index finger was a ring with a sharp point. I ran back as far as I can, next thing I know is that all around turned yellow and lightning struck where Annie is.

Once it made contact with Annie to transform all the men that were holding onto her now have been either killed or injured, it was a really big bang. After the fog went away, I went back to see that Annie was already in her titan form, she didn't look from behind and I took my chance to attack her. I don't have any 3DMG, nor weapons to cut the flesh, but it was a great thing that I never take off my shackles and practicing on my jumps lately.

Now, Let's Us Begin, Shall We?

I'm so sorry or the short chapter!!! I can't find some time anymore with high school, clubs, soccer practices, homework, and taking care of my little sister. Also I REALLY NEED A NEW LAPTOP, I WANT TO GET AN APPLE MACBOOK AIR!!!!


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