Day of the Trial

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Your POV
     As I am waiting down at the basement for the trail to begin I take a look around the room and my eyes set at the shackles. 'Huh. They remind me of the past. It reminds me the way they used hold me as a slave when I was being sold. I'll never forget that day and I'll use it as motivation to prove everyone that no one can push me down.' I turn my head forwards and see the two men standing by my cell. "Excuse me, sir. If I get out the trial, can you please give me these shackles?" I asked. One of them answered.
"Hah. You want the shackles so you can show everyone that you are a slave or something?" He said and both broke into laughter.
"It's just a simple yes or no, shit face." I bluntly answered. He looked in rage right now but tried to keep it in by saying,
"Why not? A worthless piece of shit like you deserves them." He said.
"Thank you." I said ignoring him and his insults as I lay back down on my bed or more like the wood. Yep only a bed and shackles around the whole cellar. I hear the man mutter, "Crazy ass bitch." I give no fucks about what he says, he has no idea who he is messing with.

~ 2 hours later ~
'Finally. About time we get this over with.' I thought while I was walking to the courtroom with three military police men behind me, one of them holding a rifle gun just 'in case things take a turn'. Bullshit. We arrived in front of two large brown doors. One of the men open the doors wide open making everyone inside look straight towards us. I kept walking until I reached in the middle of the room. "Get down to your knees." He said with a matter-of-faculty tone in his voice. I did as I was told, they put some large metal bar down between my back and my hands chained together behind. I look side to side to see the Survey Corps on my left and the Military Police on my right. There came an old man with glasses.
"Alright, I, Darius Zackly, now announce that we start this trial." He said sitting way higher compared from where I am. He then looked at some papers that gave some information about me that was given by Erwin smith.
"(Y/n) (l/n). From the Beast Tribe that was invaded by the titans outside the walls. Spent many years in the forest alone. Is that correct?" He asked.
"Yes sir, it is." I answered.
"See that. She admitted that she is from the outside making her a traitor to humanity!!" A man yelled from the Military Police side. A man with black hair combed all the way to the back and green eyes, but quite old now.
"Please. You just make assumptions that you didn't even have the person to explain themselves. If I would've guess, I say that you are scared. You, the Military Police, who have trained hard but still can't capture someone without threaten them first." I bluntly said with no expression what so ever.
"Is this true? Tell the truth." Judge Darius said looking at the man.
"Yes. But there is a reason for that. It is because the way she fights, it's like seeing a savage beast that has been unleashed." He said.
"Mr. Zackly I have a proposition to make." I said.
"Do you now? Let's hear it." He said.
"I suggest that I use my power to help the Survey Corps for humanity. I have saved a man from being eaten without no weapons or gear and when we were heading back for the walls I took down a titan all alone." I said trying to convince him.
"Hmm. Commander Erwin Smith, please explain." He said.
"Yes sir. We were on the expedition to capture a live titan. When we were out there I noticed that one of our soldiers were crying for help as he was in the tight grasp of the titan and that is when we saw her. She was fast to move and think, she run up to the titan quickly to its mouth holding it open half with her body and the other half trying to free the man. I saw that she couldn't hold it for long, I was about to help when I see something extraordinary, something that no one had done before, she punched the titan's tooth out making it roar in pain as he lets go of the man to clutch his mouth and at that moment she jumped out on time and caught the man. She laid him down for a moment until she carried him to the wagon that help the injured when I informed everyone." He said.
"I see. Well, then let me ask you (y/n). What happened in your past time?" When he asked that my mind flashed of all the horrible memories that happened. I still answered his question.
"My mother and father were alcoholics. Every night they would come home wasted and they would beat me up for no reason at all. At day time, they would either would come home late at night doing God knows what or they run to do some errands. Then one day, my parents brought me to some weird dark place. All I heard was my mother saying, 'Alright, here she is. Quite worth for the money, am I right?' I didn't understand it at first but when she hand me to the man who handed her some money, they both left. The man sent me out with shackles on my wrists and ankles where all the men were drunk and looked for entertainment. They bid me off and at that moment I wished that something would happen that way I could get away from that hell of a place I used to call home. That is when the titans invaded my tribe, sure we were strong and took out most of them but more titans came. More hell came to our way, I ran, I heard screams and cries for help. I end up in the forest after that. Which leads me to right now." I said trying to hold back my tears.
"Well then, you proved yourself to me that you can handle anything and have potential. You have my respect, with that being said I declare that (y/n) (l/n) will be in the hands of the Survey Corps. Case closed." Judge Darius said.
"Thank you so much, sir." I say and he nods.
"But-" the black haired man said but got caught off by Darius.
"But nothing. I said case closed." He said packing his stuff and leaving. The man comes to me and unlocks the chains. I rub my wrists to soothe the cramps that came. I said to him, "Can you please get my shackles but break them in half that way I can move my hands freely, got it?" I asked.
"Yea. I'm on it. Wait here." He said and left. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn my head around to see Erwin.
"Good plan you did there (y/n)." He said patting my shoulder.
"Thanks." I said.
"I hear that you asked for shackles. May I ask why?" Erwin asked.
"They remind me of my past. I asked them for it since I can use that memory to use. A motivation that tells me to show everyone that no one or nothing can stop me and run me over."
"What a wonderful motivation. Wish everyone thinks that way. Will you like me to stay here with you until you get them?"
"Company will be not bad."
We waited there for quite some time now. To kill time Erwin told me about his past life and I told him about the things I used to do back in my tribe until things turned around. I was glad that I had someone like Erwin, someone that I can talk to freely. Erwin is like a brother to me and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way.

Erwin POV
We both talked and talked. The man sure is taking his sweet time with those shackles but it's not bad since I could get to know (y/n) better and I let her know about me better as well. We both have the expressionless face when we talked but we both know that we enjoy each other's company deep down. 'The brother and sister relationship. Perfect. Someone I can talk freely. I treat her like a brother and she treats me like a sister.' I thought to myself. When we hear the doors open, we look to see the man with a box in his hands. The same man who unchained and sent to get shackles to (y/n).

Your POV
     The man finally arrived. Both Erwin and I stand next to each other, front facing the soldier from the Military Police. He then starts to speak, "I apologize for taking a long time but I made some adjustments to your shackles as requested." He said as he handed me the box.
"Why would you do this for a 'worthless piece of shit' like me?" I asked quoting what he said earlier. I saw that he stiffened a bit.
"To show that I should have never underestimated you. Please accept this an apology." He said with eyes shifted to the floor. I open the box to see the shackles and their were completely different.

     My lips were slightly agape when I put them on

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My lips were slightly agape when I put them on. It fitted perfectly around my wrists, the chains were not long nor short it was the right size for me to wrap around my forearms. At first when I opened he box I thought the chains were too short but when I took them out of the box the chains were the perfect size.
"Thank you." I said
"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked.
"It's gorgeous, I love it. What do you think, Commander?"
"I think it looks great on you. Now you look more badass than you already are." He told me.
"Great. Let's head back to headquarters. Did you handle the situation with the thugs?" I asked Erwin. I thank the man again and we left the courtroom.
"Yes. I had Shadis test their skills and report them of how skillful they are." He said.
"Oh. Who's Shadis?" I asked.
"I forgot that you are still kind of new to this. Well, Shadis is the one who trains the trainees who are preparing to choose one branch they want. There are three branches you can choose for only the top ten trainees; the Garrison who protect citizens inside the walls, the Survey Corps that go outside the walls to kill and learn about the titans, last is the Military Police who protect the King. If you are not in the top ten then you only have two options; the Survey Corps or the Garrison." He said while we were waking out to our carriage to drive us back to the headquarters.
"Ah. No wonder you told me to join the Survey Corps or off with my head to the Military Police." I said and Erwin chuckled for a second.
"Yes but also what Darius said about you. You do have a lot of potential in you."
"Nice of you to say that. Now get in the carriage." I said as I point inside of the carriage. We ride to headquarters.

~ A Few Inches Later~
We arrived front of the headquarters. I hop out of the carriage and stretch my arms out. Erwin comes out and stands straight up walking towards the doors and I walking alongside him with my hands behind my head. "(Y/n) I need to ask you something." Erwin said stopping in his tracks.
"Sure. What is it?"
"Since we both know that you can handle pretty much anything, how would you feel if I promote from cadet to Corporal?"
"Are you serious?" He nods.
"Man. Me as Corporal. That would honor to be in. Of course it comes with great responsibility and many more. But it will be an honor to be Corporal. Thank you, Erwin."
"Only for the best. Anyways, let's head inside I think Shadis is finishing off by making the three introduce themselves to their new superiors, we should there. If they did well I might put them in your squad since you are now Humanities Strongest for a female who is 5ft."
"Haha. Very funny. But I like the name. Anyways, let's go to meet the new cadets." I said.

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