Mission: Capture the Three Thugs

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3rd POV
As (y/n) finished her food and cleaned her room in under than 25 minutes, she took the 3DMG test and with no doubt, she has successfully learned to use the gear in a matter of time. She was quite the fast learner. Not to mention the way her uniform looks on her, fitting the nice strong body of hers perfectly. Now as a week passed by she was sent to Erwin's office for an important discussion.

Your POV
I walked to Erwin's office/room since it was for Superiors only that they get the bigger rooms. I knock on the door. "State your name and business." He said.
"It's Cadet (y/n), sir. You need to talk to me." I responded.
"Alright. Come in." He said.
I open the door and close it behind once I step into the quite messy room. I am in front and center of the room and gave him a salute. I learned it that in order to dedicate your heart to humanity there was a salute that everyone does. An upward fist to your heart and the other hand behind your back. He shook off the salute with his hands meaning that there will be no such formalities.
"Ok Erwin, what's on your mind now?" I quickly jump to the point.
"There have been troubles in the Underground District." Erwin said
"Are you seriously? I can't believe it, the dangerous place that their motto is 'kill or be killed' what happened?" I said adding the sarcasm as I place both hands on my face to react surprisingly.
"This has gone for weeks now. It has to do with the same three thugs. They have been stealing and now I'm positive that they will find out that we are after them." He said.
"Alright, so I say just where regular hoods that cover your jacket. That way they will think that it's the Military Police trying to capture them again." I suggested which intrigued Erwin a bit.
"Alright then, I ask you, will you help me capture them? Mike and one other person will come with us." He asked and I agreed with a nod.
"Oh if we all come together as one that would bring suspicions. We will all go two by two since there is four of us in total. When we are down there what do we do?" I asked.
"We will all hide in dark alleyways and wait for the enemy to attack." He said.
"It's settled then; our mission: capture the three thugs." I said.

(A/n- hey my fellow reader Chan sorry for the quite short story but I have a lot of interesting ideas to come but as a summer comes to an end I will try to write as soon as possible. I'm becoming a freshman in high school. That's it!!)

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