True Colors

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Wait for it............Boom! Cue the music for a scene coming up. I'll tell you. Enjoy!!
Levi POV
     She tells me to sit. I did so and sat on the chair across where I can see her. She looks at her window looking at the blue sky and sun shining. The way the sun shines on her figure she looked like an angel. The fuck? Lately I've been getting weird around (y/n). It's been happening ever since that mission where I found her lying there really weak. I held her close to me, she felt really soft and warm even though it was raining. The first time I've showed feeling to someone, I wonder if that's what she wants to talk about. She turns back around form the window facing me and walking to her chair.
"You probably know what you're here, right?"
"Yes. Mind telling me what you did when you were gone?" She asks me knowing that I have left to kill Erwin but I can't left her know that. But I remembered.
"You told me to inform Erwin if we should retreat or not." I say crossing my arms and leaning back a bit.
"Good. You remembered. Now what were you feeling when you found Isabel and Farlan dead?"
"Nothing. I knew something bad would happen."
"Levi, stop hiding and come out."
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Oh really? What was that look in your eyes when you held me?"
"Checking for survivors."
"And what about when you held onto my hand saying that it was alright because I did my best?"
"Didn't want to pressure you."
"Levi. Stop being the type of person that hides away from everything. Show your true colors, believe me I've been there."
"See. Don't be like that."
"And how am I suppose to be then?"
"You can still be like that around others but sometimes it's good to express yourself so you won't have to keep blaming things to yourself. So please show me the real Levi behind that wall that is around your cold heart. Show me your true colors." She said so heartily and concerned.
"I'll do it if you show me your true colors." "Deal."

Your POV
I sit there waiting for Levi to express himself, he took a little while but I offered to go first so he can be prepared more. He accepted.
"You know, there is a song that I always sang when I was really in hard situations. It always soothes me and makes me forget about this cruel world hat we live in. Would you like to hear it?"
"Sure." He says getting already used to feeling more relaxed and ready to express himself. I get up and walk to the window, it sounded better if I look at the view and see how beautiful sometimes the world really can be. I open my mouth and started to sing. (CUE THE MUSIC!)
I finish off softly, I started to feel tears coming out of the corners of my eyes when I got to the middle. I wipe them away remembering that Levi is still here. I turn around to see Levi also in bit of tears. It shocked me that my song has broken the walls of Levi, he's showing himself now. I sit down on my chair.
"There that shows the true me. How about you?"
"There was this song that my mother used to sing to me every night when I go to bed. But it's in French."
"Don't worry I speak and understand French. Surprised?"
"Yea. Anyways it went like this."

"Wow. Your mother really was a unique person."
"Yea she was. She always took care of me even though herself was dying. I'll never forget that, she reject things such as jewelry just to be with me and that was treasure for her."
"You had a wonderful mother Levi. So how do you feel now that you've expressed yourself."
"To be honest, I feel more relaxed and refreshed. Thank you." He said but muttered the last part.
"Ok then. Shall we go start training, Corporal?"
"Yes." He says says going back to his stoic face. He turns to walk to the door, before he opened the door I called him.
"Thank you for giving me a chance." I say with a full hearted smile. He widen his eyes a bit and I'm not really sure if there was a light pink blush on his face. He opens the door fast and goes to the training grounds. I chuckled a little and follow him to meet his new squad.

~ A Few Inches Later ~
The sun hitting my eyes and I narrow my eyes more than usual making everyone there flinch because they thought I got pissed already and gave a training so bad that they might pass out within 10 minutes. Ha. Everyone now knows my title and Levi's title, I laugh hard inside.
"So where's your squad members?"
"Over there." He says pointing to his right side and I see three males and only one female but it's now going to be two females. He calls them out and tells to come over.
"Introduce yourselves." He orders them.
"Eld Jinn" a male with blonde hair tied in a bun.
"Gunther Shultz" another male with black hair spiked up.
"Tch. Olou Bozado" an older man who looks like he's trying to be Levi. Ugh, find a personality will you?
"Petra Ral." A beautiful woman with ginger hair and big amber eyes. She makes a salute but I shake it off with my hand.
"Everyone this Corporal (y/n). Our new member for now." Levi introduces me.
"Hello." I say simply and wave a hand at them.
"Wait but aren't you Corporal?" Petra says looking at Levi. She's smaller than Levi, he's 5'3 and she looks like a 5'2. Unfortunately for me that height for me is way small, I'm 5ft.
"Yes. She's also one. She's in our squad until she gets her own."
"Ah. I see. Well, nice to have another female here." She says with a smile. I sense that this smile is hiding something and that it has something to do with me. Oh wait!! No way!!! She has a thing for LEVI!!!
"Alright, so what do we start with?" Gunther asks. I look at Levi since from now on he's in charge.
"Hand to hand combat. Olou, Eld, and Gunther pair, (y/n) and Petra." Everyone goes to an area where there is more space. Petra gets into her stance and I stand still.

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