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Your POV
     As Erwin and I walk to the training grounds, all of the Squad Leaders are in line behind one another. Erwin and I head to the front.
"CADETS, INTRODUCE YOURSELVES TO YOUR NEW SUPERIORS!!!" Shadis yelled making me flinch a bit since I have really sensitive ears, my only weak spot. 'At least we didn't miss the introduction for those three.' I thought. Isabel and Levi both have their arms crossed, making me giggle in my mind to see that Isabel looks up to Levi. A bother and sister relationship, just like Erwin and I. Levi was the first to say his name.
"Levi." He all said bluntly. 'Really? Nice introduction, stupid brat.' Isabel was next.
"Isabel Magnolia. Nice to meet ya." She said, pointing her thumb to herself and the other hand on her hip. 'Well, at least she did it more presentable. I think.' Farlan was the last one.
"My name is Farlan Church." He said trying to do the Survey Corps salute but his fist is wrong. 'Ugh. Idiot. Your hand is supposed to be facing upwards.' I mentally face palm.
"Alright then. Flagon, these three will be placed on your squad. Take care of them." Shadis looking to his left. Then Erwin stepped in.
"Excuse me, Shadis, but I think it would be better if they are placed on (y/n)'s squad."
"I thought she was only a cadet, Commander." Shadis said.
"Yes. She was until I promoted her to Corporal today. She is lot stronger than you might think." He looks at me and I see a small smile forming in the corner of his lips.
"Alright. Corporal (Y/n), are you alright with this?" He asked me.
"Yes." I bluntly said, hearing gasps as I quickly accepted those three to my squad. "You got yourself lucky, Flagon. You won't have to shit your pants anymore." I said, again, bluntly. Everyone broke into laughter, including the two new cadets, Isabel and Farlan, but I swear I saw Levi give a ghostly smirk as he contained the laughter inside him.
"Everyone is dismissed." Shadis said.

3rd POV
     (Y/n) has got the three to their dorms, after the introductions to, literally, ALL the superiors. It took for hours. At their dorms Isabel started to cheer when she thought that they would be sharing rooms all three of them together. (Y/n) broke the news about guys and girls have separate rooms. Isabel was disappointed and questioned (y/n) that why can't they stay together. In order to make Isabel stop her complaining babble, (y/n) had just told her that she would stay together if she would shut up, Isabel yelled a yahoo and quickly shut her mouth as she remembered the deal.

Your POV
     "Ugh. How do you guys handle her?" I asked the two men as I rubbed my temples. Farlan chuckled and Levi just being silent.
"Anyways, I know you guys are from the Underground but I know you guys keep yourselves clean. I'm guessing that Levi is the clean freak out of this trio group. Am I correct?" I said pointing to Levi with my index finger as he was looking at the window. Isabel and Farlan widen their eyes.
"How do you know?!" They both said in unison.
"I, myself, am too a clean freak. I may be from the outside of the walls but I always hated getting dirt on me. When I came here, they gave me a room that looked like it hasn't been cleaned for centuries. Literally, the dust had dust. It sent me a shiver down my spine. That's why everyday I clean my room to not get a flu or a disease." I finished. Isabel and Farlan chuckled and looked at Levi.
"Tch." Was he said.
"Anyways, I'll get you guys some cleaning supplies. I should see this room spotless top to bottom, I want this room to have sparkles visible. If not, there will be consequences." I say darkly. I then left the room to fetch them some supplies. 'What a introduction you did there, (y/n). Oh well at least they have some clue what I am made out of.' I thought while walking through the hallways to the Mess Hall. I arrived shortly and went to the back where there is a closet that contains all the cleaning materials.

~ A Few Moments Later of the Trio Cleaning their Dorm ~
     There was a knock on my door.
"State your name and business." I say.
"Corporal, we finished cleaning our dorm." Farlan said.
"Alright, I'll be out in a minute." I say finishing my last paperwork of the day. I come outside to see Farlan standing next to Levi who is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and finally Isabel who is sitting on the floor.
"Brat, get off the dirty floor." I say to Isabel.
"Sorry, ma'am." She got up and dusted her pants.
"Ok. Let's see what you've done." I lead the way. The trio following me not far behind.

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