Chapter 1 My fair lady

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Maddogs point of view it was just another boring day at my school wishing I had someone that loved me but I didn't I was sitting in CT biology dreading my life and how hard it was when I finally realized that it was 10:40 am and I could leave class I headed out the door not caring what the teacher said as soon as I got home at 2:50 pm I realized there was a very small black van / bus and my mother came out with party poppers streamers cheering & whopping . that I was moving out and away from her as a sophomore I'm so happy I could cry your moving away moving away ? I asked and your grandmother is coming with you said my mother but but with who nice to meet you MADDOG I'm Mason This is James And that's Luke your awfully cute your adorable omg Luke said . one more thing I said I forgot my toothbrush at my friends house . We can get it said Mason Maddogs point of view Emilie pack your bags we're going on a very long vacation I told her okay great she said I'm so excited she said oh Maddie the whole gang is here I said speaking of which we're touring with 7mih I told her I can't wait Maddie good because we're here Emilie I said Emilie there's something I wanna tell you said James I love you I think your really pretty and smart sweet gentle kind sweet Emilie I love you said James oh James I love you to oh my gosh oh my gosh Emilie said this is crazy oh Emilie I'm giving you my favorite fidget so your you can be mine forever and ever said James oh Emilie. Maddie I've always thought you were beautiful said mason oh Mason stop your to sweet I said .

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