21. Noah

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Noah's point of view sitting in prison hasn't been fun no one here is nice or believes In god I cannot believe that I'm sitting in the Death house because I broke Maddie's nose you think she'd forgive me by now all the sudden the two guards walked in with a tray of all my favorite foods how nice of them I thought I realized there was a tray of Pepperoni pizza captain crunch without milk. Than  it hit me like a ton of bricks it was my meal I was getting executed today this was it for me I hope I can call my mom I through not realizing that I had said it out loud than two huge dudes covered in tattoos were behind me . they had a rope and a rock and started to beat me and bash me with them and hit me over the head with them . I honestly couldn't believe it was a trap and I was being murdered by my own cell mates that's what you get for hurting that little girl said the tall one AhH I cried just than everything went black . We should go pay Noah a visit said Luke . That's a great idea honey said Cathy . Luke's point of view when we walked to Noah's cell there was a corner and a body bag with a medical examiner carrying Noah out he was a bloody black and blue mess I couldn't believe that was my little brother my everything lying by my feet dead destroyed pale lifeless I couldn't believe what had happened I rang Mason to find out what had happened he than told me James had overdosed and didn't make and also Colleen Nikki Gabby and Peyton were murdered than it hit me . there was gonna be a shit ton of funerals to go to I couldn't believe this had all happened so fast how terrible I thought but the question that had me going how was Emilie after all James and her were married how was she coping I better go check on her yes that's what I'll do .

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