17 .I can't Believe you

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Emilie your so selfish look what you did cried James's father . Oh James look what you made me do you knew I didn't love you and you were just so eager for me to marry you even though I told you I didn't love you ha ha life is seriously to good right now said Emilie you sick twisted bitch  just you wait till tonight when we be head Maddie I can't wait to see the look on her face as she gets decapited Peyton giggled . IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT PUTTING YOUR HANDS ON HER Said Emilie. Hey what's this ? Asked Matt . You but Tommy down right now ! Said Nikki . Oh relax you dumb bitch I'm not gonna hurt your stupid rugrat vintage doll from the 90's keep your pants on said Matt whys his head so heavy / full asked Casey let's crack it open and find out said Alex . Alex put tommy down now said Nikki . Oh my god he's made up of pure Heroine said Brandon okay you sick Bitches which one of you killed Logun ?!? Asked Alex WHICH ONE OF YOU KILLED MY WIFE I DESERVE TO KNOW HUH ?!? Huh who killed her . It - was Gabi said Peyton  she cut her up and threw her into the river and chopped her into little pieces said Nikki . Well we'll Gabbers you've been a bad bar girl said Justin. JUSTIN JUSTIN LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD LET ME GO JUSTIN PLEASE PLEASE cried Gabby  . Justin's point of view as she was pleading and begging for her life I picked her up tossed lighter fluid on her cut her throats and throw her in the garbage pin I throw her away like a piece of trash I laughed and walked away that night I sent home to Maddie & i's shared Loft and seen Gabby's murder on the news and laughed at the police carrying her body out in the bag I only had one more threat in the way of my Maddie's life Peyton I sore on my life that she wouldn't touch Maddie ever again. . Not this time no one was touching my Maddie I didn't care I face death row if I got caught but in the name of love for Maddie I Told myself.

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