Chapter 5 High jacked / bus accident

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Emilie point of view as we were waiting for everyone to board and load there stuff on the bus I noticed that Maddie was asleep I wonder what's she's dreaming of than James came over and put his arm around me and. Began to kiss me I enjoyed every single second of it because I knew I'll have to break his heart at some point in his life but for know I'm gonna enjoy it Just than the bus begin to go 80 miles an hour it was kinda scary JAMES what's going on I panicked . James point of view we began to spin out of control than Maddie's eyes sprung wide open she had fear written all over her face than she dashed over to the front seat and began arguing with our driver in not sure what happened next because Mason shielded her with his body but it was no use because she flew on top of the wind shelled . I laned on the bus window mason his head was smashed against the air bag Luke and. Noah were squeezed together and broke their ribs and my beautiful Emilie and I we were out cold . Where are the guys wondered there management team I'm getting worried said there vocal coach maybe call 911 oh my god that's there bus only half a mile away from here said there manager okay . EMT : ma'ma ma'ma can you hear us ma 'Ma can you hear me are you alright she's convulsing  get her TO the hospital wait there's more people EMT 2: alright lets move them ** at the hospital ** move her to the OR She's likely to have memory loss  . Emilie's point of view Emilie your friends are stable except for the young boy the doctor told me Noah I questioned ? Oh no poor Luke but most of all poor me because he's gonna wanna cry on my shoulder once he's up since Noah is in a coma he's gonna be devastated about all this I can't take this stress how's James ? I asked well we've put him on a tack to help him breath but he's in pretty bad shape the doctor told me oh no I cried oh Timmy what is it my love? James is in a coma and so's Noah ! I began to cry frantically it's okay Emilie Alex said yeah I'm sure James will pull through but what about Maddie asked Justin Not to be rude but why do you care? Matt asked . Justin 's point of view It's just the nice thing to do than I sunk in her room with Emilie oh my beautiful girl I cried she was all Busted up and had a huge cut on her forehead oh baby I kissed her on the forehead gently because I didn't wanna hurt her at all I began to cry like a baby on her oh Maddog your so beautiful I put my head down on her chest and buried my face into her grown and cried than her eyes slowly opened hi hey baby oh its alright I comforted her . What happened? She asked honey you were in a wreck it's okay I promise I told her it's okay Justin I believe you she told me . I won't leave you l told her . Good she said . ** in James room ** Emilie 's pov. James you gotta get better you just have to get better. I told him I need you and I can't deny I really miss you to think that I was wrong there's a reason for all that I do and my reason is you I sung to him and than his eyes fluttered opened Emilie he mouthed I slowly pulled out his tube and give him some water . than we began to talk about what happened in the bus I still haven't told him I'm cheating on him . Oh Emilie I'm so lucky to have you he told me oh James you have no idea I said . Emilie 's point of view . In masons room his mother and father were crying at his bed post grabbing his hands and telling him he's gotta wake up which he did . Than Luke was awake now the only person that had to get better was Noah it doesn't look promising .

My fair lady -A summer high Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang