33.oh my sweet child

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Emilie's point of view Today was the day I was gonna have JJ today was the day Timmy & I became parents it was a joyful celebration I was real excited to see Timmy's  face when JJ entered to world it was so real . Oh my pride & joy ! If only Auntie Maddie and Auntie Logun And uncle Justin & your Uncle Alex were here the whole room would be filled with gifts but at least I have your beautiful mommy here she's beautiful son And daddy is gonna teach you guitar and how to get chicks & mommy is gonna cry when you get sent off to kindergarten and gonna be lots of fun raising you little man . Emilie point of view after we got realsed from the hospital and took JJ home we started taking care of him I just realized how lucky I was the murders had gone unnoticed for 7 months and it turned into a cold case and no found out about it I'm so proud of myself for this this amazing I feel blessed there's only one thing I can do I went to a guardian and picked up a white rose and laid it on James's grave hey babe I'm sorry for everything I have ever done to you I'm sorry Jibber's I'll never forgive myself for this if only I had treated you better you wouldn't be I said looking Down on James . Just keep telling yourself you did the right thing said Timmy I'll try said Emilie .

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