29. MasonxMaddie

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Maddie's point of view it's awful nice of Matt to be there for me but I can't take it anymore it's not because I didn't love him enough my heart belongs to Mason. Now that Justin is dead and everyone is talking about Emilie's affair with Timmy and she's pregnant with their son and Michelle is after her now it's my time to go and what I did to Noah I'll never forgive myself never ever ever I decided I was gonna go to an old friend of mine . One whom you wouldn't expect me to go to GARY GARY Open the door I need something from you I need a sleeping potion for me to seem lifeless here we go my dearest sweet child A hint of Lavender Jasmine honey and sleeping oil drink all and there she'll be no sight of life in you and keep your melding Matt away from you darling he said okay I said as soon as I got home I arrived to my surprise en empty room I sat down and got out the potion what if this mixture do not work at all shall I be embarrassed tomorrow or worst case married to Matt No I can't hurt anyone else . Mason I drink to three ! Just than my eyes began to flutter close. MADDOG come now darling Maddie Maddie oh my god NO CASEY EMILIE HELP LUKE KIM MICHELLE JODY MADDIE's DEAD OH MY GOD NO ! Cried Matt . Oh no let me see her said Michelle so beautiful yet sickly pale this is a miracle I say said Michelle. Someone's gotta tell Mason she's dead I'll do it said Emilie Emile's point of view Mason I'm so sorry but may her body Rest In Peace at bible management WHAT MY MADDOG's  DEAD ?!? You sick bitch I knew you were jealous what you do to her yelled Mason . I didn't do anything to her said Emilie why don't you ask Matt he's the last one who saw her alive said Emilie you sicken bastard you killed her ! MADDIE MADELEINE I DEFEY YOU STARTS !!!! Shouted Mason I loved her ! Cried Matt rot in hell said Mason as he shot him AhH lay me by Maddie said Matt . may god bless you Matt said Mason. Oh my love my MADDOG death has robbed you but I gotta say your beauty hasn't changed a bit & your lips your beautiful soft baby skin lips that hold the air to breathe arms take your last embrace it's to much pain I have to bear dateless bargain to engrossing death said Mason as he swallowed the poison . Mason what's here baby no no spit it out spit out baby you can do it Puke it up say something said Maddie . Thus with a kiss I die Maddie said Mason . Wait I will kiss my lips hopefully there's poison to hold me after my lips are warm well than it's a good thing I came prepared I said O happy dagger this is  my sheath work your magic because there rust and let me die said Maddie. Kim's point of view where's Emilie she has a lot of explaining to do where Maddie & Mason I'm going to find out to my surprise there was a little church I go in to pray for there safe return and to my surprise there was a coffin Mason had drunken poison he was white as a ghost and Maddie stabbed her self in the heart only god knows why thou oh Emilie you have some Explaining to do .

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