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Lucy's POV
I looked around, expecting someone to fight the guy at the guild doors. He had fluffy pink hair, onyx eyes, and a red guild mark on his shoulder. There was a blue cat flying by his side.

I was so confused. Everyone was fighting a minute ago, why not fight him. I saw Levy role her eyes as Jet and Droy looked totally unamused.

Well, if nobody is gonna.

"I will." I said, standing up.

Everyone gasped, looking at me.

Mira grew a smirk.
I looked back at the guy and he was looking at me half smiling and half smirking.
"Then let's go." He said.


"Alright, now you know the rules. Everyone place their bets." Mira said and people started placing their bets.
This guy and I stood in the street outside the guild, facing each other.He was jumping up and down, cracking his knuckles.

"Ready, FIGHT!!" Mira yelled.

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!" He yelled immediately, his first lighting on fire.
He flew at me, trying to punch me.

I grabbed his fists as he punched, each stinging my hands a little from the fire. I pushed him back and he slid back, but was still on his feet.

He smirked while the crowd gaped at me.
"STAR DRESS!! TAURUS!!!" I yelled and my magic surrounded me.

I smirked as all the guys stared at my chest, which was exposed due to the bra for a star dress.

Thanks Taurus.

I rolled my eyes at myself but failed to realize this guy was charging at me again.
He he tried to punch me in the face but luckily I dodged, kicking his legs.
He dodged as well.

I smirked evilly at him and he smirked right back. I pulled out my whip and I started whipping him, he dodged most of them and shot fire at me.

I kicked him in the face but he grabbed my foot, spinning me and pushing us to the ground. He held my arms above my head as he straddled my waist, a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Give up?" He asked.

I scoffed and spit at him, watching his eyes flicker all over my body.

What a creep.

"Never" I growled and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.
He groaned and fell back and off of me.

I stood up and smirked as he looked at me.
"Give up?" I asked in a sweet voice, taunting him.

"Never" He laughed and stood up.
We back up and I started changing.

Fire surrounded him as a phoenix formed in his fire.
"STAR DRESS!!! AQUARIUS!!" I screamed.
We yelled as we flew towards each other.
I felt his fire hit me as my water spell hit him.

His spell was so powerful it knocked me off my feet and my back hit the pavement with a thud.

The smoke cleared and I looked up slightly,
seeing him laying on his side, holding his arm.
I laid my head back down, my normal clothes reappearing.
"Give up yet?" I asked.

"Never" He replied.

"ITS A DRAW!!!" Mira screamed.
Everyone began cheering and cheering and screaming like wild.
"Nobody's ever made Natsu go down like that except Erza, Laxus, Gildarts, sometimes Gray" I heard.

"That new girl is strong" someone said.
The little blue cat went to the guy and Levy came over, helping me up.

I looked over and met this guys eyes.
"This isn't over." He said, smirking.

I smirked back.
"Ok." I said and walked away with Levy.

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