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Erza's POV
"Alright Wendy, ready?" I asked as Wendy and I got off the train.

"Yes! Let's protect the guild!" She exclaimed with a determined face.
I smiled and we ran through the small town, reaching the outskirts.

There we saw nothing but desert.
"No one's here." Wendy said.

"Keep your guard up." I responded and Wendy nodded.
We slowly walked forward and I stopped when I heard a squishing noise under my boot.

I slowly looked down and saw an eye. I screamed and jumped back, startling Wendy.

The eye started to transform and a woman appeared in front of us.
She had long braided hair, a black outfit on with gold accents, and a wooden staff in her hands.

She her smile curved evilly and I could see the evil she possessed.

Her large smile was covering her face in a shadowy, dark grin and she started laughing.
"Who are you?!" I barked.

She lifted her head and I gasped.
She had piercing brown eyes and a evil smirk on her face. Her hair was the most prominent thing about her.

Long, long scarlet braids.

"Scarlet hair?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Yes darling. Don't you remember your dear mother?" She asked in a mocking tone.
Time seemed to stop.

My eyes went wide and I let my guard down due to shock.
"M-mother?" I whispered.

"N-no! That's can't be true!" I exclaimed, stumbling back.

"My mother is dead!!" I barked, Wendy putting a hand on my back.

She smirked darkly.
"I'm Irene Belserion. The Scarlet Dispair. And you, my daughter, are Erza."


"I'm Irene Belserion. The Scarlet Dispair. And you, are my daughter, Erza."
My whole world felt like it was falling apart.
Everything I thought I knew, all gone.

I thought my mother died when I was small. I remember being held by someone, a soft voice.

A voice so different from The Scarlet Dispairs.

My mother's was soft, but someone behind her words always seemed offputting.

I began to focus harder.

I remember, my mother's name was Irene Belserion. Queen of Dragons.
I gasped and snapped my head to my mother.

This changed it all.

My mother, a follower of Zeref of all people.


"Erza-san?" Wendy asked, her voice trembling.
I felt myself snap back to reality and my senses return. I raised my guard again and scowled at my mother.

"You may be my Mother, but you're still my enemy. And you don't want to make enemies of fairytail." I said finally, my voice confident and strong.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to disrespect your parents?" Irene asked, a smirk still present on her face.

I scowled.
"REQUIP!! HEAVEN'S WHEEL ARMOR!!" I shouted and requipped into one of my favorite requips.

I screamed a battle cry and flew towards my mother, hearing Wendy casting support magic behind me.

Irene blocked me with her staff, pushing me back a little. I came at her again with my sword and she blocked it, trying to strike it with her sword.

I managed to kick her leg out from under and I requipped quickly, going to slash her as she fell. But she was quick and flipped over, her staff as her support.

She slowly rose back to standing, casting something under her breath.
Suddenly, about a thousand skeleton soldiers were surrounding us.

Wendy cast her 'arms' spell and power surged through me.
"REQUIP!! WINGBLADE ARMOR!!" I yelled and requipped into my newest requip.

I sent my wingblades after each soldiers, killing the creatures with ease as Wendy shot my mother with her sky dragons roar. My mother shot at Wendy with her staff.

I knew Wendy was doing fine until I heard a shriek of pain.
"WENDY!!" I yelled and turned.

I saw the shot hit Wendy in the leg.
She cried out in pain and fell to the ground, holding her now burnt leg. Her arm was also burnt.

Rage filled me as my mother went to shot another shot at her.
I immediately deflected the shot with my sword and began fighting the soldiers again, with even more passion.

Soon, all of them were down.
"Don't you give up Mother?" I asked.

Wendy was passed out. She couldn't handle that much stress and didn't have much magic left.
Her leg was smoldering and looked black.

"Mother?" I said with a glare.
She smirked and went for her staff to create more soldiers but I quickly snapped it in half, throwing it to the side.

I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, holding her in the arm.
"You hurt my family." I said, my voice filled with anger.

"I'm the only family you have left." Irene said, a sinister tone present in her voice.
She chuckled at me.

"No, that's where you're wrong." I replied, gritting my teeth as I plunged my sword into her stomach.

She screamed in pain.
I dropped her and she fell limp on the ground.

One down, 4 to go.

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