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Lucy's POV
I've been at Fairy Tail for a month now, and I'm still rivals with Natsu(the guy I fought.)
I walked to the guild, greeting everyone as they greeted me. I went to the bar and ordered a strawberry milkshake.

"SHUT UP ICE PRINCESS!!" That flamebrain Natsu yelled.

"NO!! YOU SHUT UP!!" Gray yelled.
The two began a shouting contest and I grew angry.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!" I screamed, spinning around in my chair.
Flamebrain turned to me and waltzed over.

I got up, ready for a fight.
He reached me and got in my face.
"What did you say?" He said.

"I said shut up pyro." I growled back.

"No" he said and stuck his tongue out at me.

"You're so annoying!! I'm trying to enjoy my morning and you're ruining it!!" I yelled.

"I CAN TALK AS LOUD AS I WANT!!" He yelled, purposely shouting.
We continued arguing as people watched, not like it mattered though. This was a regular occurrence.

"YOURE SUCH A CHILD!!" I yelled.

"YOURE A JERK!!" He yelled back.
Our faces were close, but not too close. Our bodies weren't touching but they were awfully close.




We kept yelling when Gray came behind Natsu and pushed him.

He was in the middle of finishing an insult when he fell on me. He grabbed the sides of the bar behind me to steady himself and I fell on the back of the bar.

I was about to yell at him when I realized what position we were in.

A blush spread across my face and I pushed him off me.
His face was full of shock and his eyes showed confusion, shock, and something else I couldn't place. He had a small blush on his face before we both snapped into reality.

"ICE PRINCESS!!/ICE PRICK!!" We yelled, stomping towards Gray.
We didn't even take one step when someone coughed loudly, catching everyone's attention.
We all looked up to the second floor and saw Master.






He called.

I mentally groaned.

What did I do now?

All the people who were called got up and went to his office.
Happy(Natsu's cat) and Carla(Wendy's cat) came too. Erza closed the door behind all of us and Master was on his chair.
"It was Lucy's fault." Natsu said immediately.

"What?! No way! If anything it's because of you that we are here!" I yelled at him.
Erza glared and we cowered in fear, shutting up.

"Thank you Erza, now, the reason I called you in here is because I have a special job and I want you to complete it together as a team." Master said.

"WHAT?!" Natsu and I yelled in unison.
He glared and we shut up.

"What's the mission?" Wendy asked, holding Carla close to her.

"As you all know, Zeref Dragneel is the most powerful wizard in the country. Maybe even the world. Recently he has been running a muck, having his demons raid towns and burning villages. He swears to wipe out the entire population. I need you 5 to stop him." Master said.

Natsu started growling.

I forgot Zeref was his brother.

"But why us? Why not Laxus or Gildarts?" Gray asked.

"Do not question the Masters wishes. We are taking this job." Erza said to us sternly.

Jeez she's scary.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Tonight at sunset." Master said.
We nodded and he let us go.

He told us it would be a long term mission.

I went over to Levy-chan.
"Hey Levy-chan. I'll be gone for a while." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I can't say why, but I have to work with Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Natsu." I said and rolled my eyes.
Levy giggled and hugged me.

"Well, I'll see you in at least a couple months." I said and headed for my apartment.


I waited at the train station, my pink suitcase at my feet.
"Ugh, great." I heard.
I looked up from my nails and saw pyro.

I scoffed and he came over, sitting on the bench next to me.

The sun cast a pinkish orange glow upon the abandoned train station, just Natsu and I. He sat on the other side of the bench then me and it was silent.

I stole glances at his face as we sat there, only now realizing how handsome his features were.
His fluffy pink hair was blowing softly in all directs because of the small gusts of wind. His deep onyx eyes showed, surprisingly, confusion and sadness?
He had a strong jaw and was overall really good looking.

"Hey....." He trailed, looking off at the horizon.
He had a soft tone, and I looked at him, shocked.

"Sorry for, uh, what happened today." He said and coughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

I blushed and opened my mouth.
I felt my words get stuck in my throat as I remember the accidental kiss today, the feelings of heat against my cheeks as my heartbeat picked up.
"N-no, it's fine." I stuttered.

Curse myself.

We didn't speak after that, but it was a comfortable silence. The type of silence you have while reading, or while being with a lover.

What is this feeling?

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