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Natsu's POV
I paced around the guild, waiting.

After we finished off all of Zeref's soldiers it was all a blurr to me. But according to the Erza and the others I had immediately went to Lucy's side and started rushing her back to the guild, blood covering my clothes.

The others stayed behind to pack the camp up but weren't far behind me.

Now I was waiting.

God I hope she's ok.

She has to be.

Ms. Porlyusica had come right away and healed her with Wendy's help but she was asleep right now.

I just want her to wake up.

I continued to pace as the whole guild waited in anticipation. My head perked up as I heard a sweet voice say "where am I?" With my super hearing.

That was her!!! Lucy's awake!!


Lucys's POV
My eyes slowly fluttered open and I was greeted with a wooden ceiling.

I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head.
"Where am I?" I asked myself.

I looked around the room. There were three hospital beds on each side, I was in one of them. I was facing the door. I also saw a cabinet full of herbs and medicine.

I'm in an infirmary?

Suddenly, the door burst open and I jumped in surprise.

Before I knew what was happening I felt someone run up and wrap their arms around me, hugging me tightly.


He then grabbed my face and began kissing me.

"What the hell Lucy?!"

A kiss.

"Why would you think that was a good idea?!"

A kiss.


A longer kiss.

I giggled and it caught him off guard.
"I love you too Natsu." I said and he smiled.

"God I was so worried." He said and hugged me again.

We stayed like this for a while. He sat next to my hospital bed and talked to me while he held my hand, playing with my fingers.

We talked about nonsense and eventually I asked him a question that made him really awkward.
"Does anyone else know I'm awake?" I asked.

His face immediately grew an 'oh shit' expression and he laughed awkwardly.
I puckered my lips and squinted my eyes.
"I'll go tell them." He said and laughed.

I watched as he left the room.


Natsu's POV
I yelled as I walked out of the infirmary.

It's a good thing I got my time with her when I did because everyone tried squeezing into the small infirmary and yelling Lucy's name.

I laughed as I went to the bar where Mira was.
"Aren't you gonna go see Lucy?" I asked Mira, a large smile on my face.

She shook her head.
"I can wait. It's cute how much everyone loves her." She said and giggled.

I put my chin in my palm and sighed.
"Yeah." I agreed.

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