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Lucy's POV
I sat on the train, looking out the window at the dark night sky, the stars illuminating the sky.
It was very late and Gray, Wendy, Erza, the exceeds, and Natsu were all fast asleep.

Natsu, unfortunately, had sat next to me. He had his resting on my shoulder. I had half a mind to wake him up and throw him off the train, but he has been really annoying this whole ride, so I'm glad he's at least asleep.

I sighed as I watched the stars twinkle.

What was that feeling I got when he talked to me in that tone? And when he accidentally stole my first kiss.
My cheeks got hot as I remembered that and I felt like slapping him. I wouldn't though, it was an accident after all.

And he did apologize.

I smiled and shook my head a little.

That stupid idiot, I'm gonna kick his ass later.


I was walking next to Wendy as we walked through the woods. It was the next day and we had been walking since we got off the train, so for hours.
Master gave us places Zeref could possibly be, where he might strike next, where to find information, and stuff like that.

Right now we were walking to a village because their train rails aren't working obviously because of the attack.
I watched as the afternoon blue of the sky became an evening orange. The clouds turned pink and the sun shone.

I sighed in content when I rammed into something. I stumbled back and looked.
"Natsu, what the hell?!" I yelled.

He turned with a confused look.
"I'm sorry that you're an idiot. But we are setting up camp right now." He said in a snarky tone.

I, offended, scoffed and we started arguing.


"Can someone explain why I have to sleep in the same tent as her/him" Natsu and I asked in unison.
Erza had sent up the tents while Wendy and I gathered berries and Natsu and Gray got fish.

"Yummy fishy" I heard Happy hum in the background as he flew past us.
I rolled my eyes.

"Because, Natsu can't share a tent with Wendy or Gray. Unless you'd like to switch with Wendy, Natsu, you can sleep in a tent with me." Erza said.
Natsu shivered, shaking his head.

"No thanks." He said.

"Well why can't I share with Gray?" I asked.

"Because I strip in my sleep." He said.
My entire face went beat red.

"Ew" Natsu said.

"Gray, your clothes." Wendy said and I rolled my eyes.He jumped up and freaked out, gathering his clothes quickly.
"Ugh fine." I groaned and went into the tent.

I layed down on my pink futon and started singing to myself softly. The others got a fire going and we're cooking up some of the fish we had packed for the mission.
"Lucy! You want anything to eat?" Erza asked, sounding like she wanted me to join them.

I frowned, missing Levy-chan and Jet and Droy.
"I'm good!" I shouted back.

"Ok." She responded.
I layed in the green tent, the zipper pulled up and the flaps tied.
They all stated singing a tune together.

Why couldn't I be like them? They can just talk to each other so easily without even being good friends
. I heard Natsu sing and I was surprised that he sounded so good.

I hummed along to the tune and when they finished Wendy complimented Natsu on his voice.
"Yes, who knew a dimwit like you could sing." Carla stated.

I snickered silently and held my keys tightly, sighing and closing my eyes.


"Ok, time for bed!" Erza said as we sat up from the fire.
I had come out of the tent a while ago and had some berries.

I grabbed my suitcase and went to change when I realized there was no where to change.


"Hey Nerd, what's taking so long?" Natsu asked.
Everyone else but us were in their tents now.

Natsu had eaten the fire and now it was gone, only ash left behind.

"I have to change." I said.
He just stared at me.

"Ok? So change." He replied.

"I can't! I have no where to!" I snapped.

"Change here." He said simply and I blushed.

"NO WAY!" I yelled, stomping away from him.
I went behind a large tree and began to change.

I heard Natsu sigh and the tent opened.

Thank god, now he isn't out here.

I took off my shirt, unclamping my bra. I let it fall to the ground. I unbuckled my belt and slipped my jeans off, my underwear not far behind.
"Here." I heard.

I, now fully naked, jumped and screamed in surprise. I glared and looked in front of me.

It was Natsu.

He was holding a large green blanket up to cover me and looking away. He had a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Well, you gonna change or sleep naked?" He asked.

My whole face turned red and I quickly changed.
I felt heat.

I slipped on a new pair of underwear and then some black shorts. I decided to sleep with a bra  tonight so I slipped on a small black sports bra and then a pink tank top.
"I'm done." I said.

Natsu turned to me and removed the blanket. I saw him gulp and he stared at me.
I crossed my arms and he snapped out of his daze.

He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.
I scoffed in disgust and grabbed my suitcase, putting it next to the tent and going inside.

I zipped up the tent and got under my pink blanket, breathing heavily.

My heart is beating super fast.

What's wrong with me?

I was thinking and breathing heavily when the tent unzipped. I snapped my eyes shut and pretended to be sleeping.
I slowed my breathing but my heart wouldn't stop. Natsu zipped the tent back up and layed down on his red pad.

I heard his breathing, it was calming. Like an ocean or wind, just calming. I smiled lightly, closing my eyes and drifting off.

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