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Lucy's POV
"Wow, you guys have gathered a lot of information." Mira said as everyone crowded around Gray, Wendy, Natsu, Erza, and I.

Everyone was looking over the information we got. I had a bandage around my stomach and one on my head(it was under my hair.)

Natsu and Gray sat next to each other while Erza sat across from Wendy and I.

As we all talked, the guild suddenly grew darker.
We all stopped and looked around, black smoke hovering above the floor.
The guild doors opened and there stood a shadowy figure, it was in the shape of a person.

"Zeref" Natsu growled.

"Now brother, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm only here to provide you with some information and make a deal." He said and Natsu stood up, his hands slamming onto the table.


"Lucy." Zeref said, ignoring Natsu. "I would like to speak with you." He said.

"NO WAY!!" Gray yelled and stood up as well.

"I wasn't talking to you was I?" Zeref snapped.

"What do you what to speak about?" I asked, standing up and putting my hands down on the table, staring down at him.

"Lucy what are you doing?" Erza asked, putting her hand on my bicep.

I ignored her.

Zeref motioned for me to come forward and I did. I stood only a few feet from him, my brown eyes glaring into his red ones.

I wasn't scared anymore.

"Go to the desert on the south side of Fiore with your whole guild in three weeks. We are ready to battle it out fairly." He said.

"NO WAY WE'LL FALL FOR-" Natsu began to yell but I turned and glared, shutting him up.
He looked really confused.

"Why are to doing this?" I asked, staring at him.

He smirked, his gleaming red eyes staring into the deepest parts of my soul.
"For once, I have someone who is a formidable foe. I'd like to battle it out fairly. I'll even tell you where each of my fighters will be." He spoke, making me narrow my eyes.

"And how do I know you aren't lying?" I asked.
He didn't reply, just stared into my eyes.

"You'll just have to trust me. I've already set down my terms, now the only response is to tell me you agree."
I looked back to Master and gave him a look.

He nodded.
I turned back to Zeref and put my hand out.
"Deal." I said in an almost emotionless voice.

He smirked and shook my hand.
"Deal." He said.
Then, he turned on his heel and walked out the door of the guild.

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