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Lucy's POV
"So this is it?" I asked as we walked up to the village.

Well, it wasn't much of a village more of rumble now.
All it was now was piles of ashes and some buildings that were definitely not sturdy.

"Let's split up. We can cover more ground that way." Erza said.
We agreed and we split up. I watched them run in all different directs and then I began running myself.

I starting running to where I know the mayor of this village lives(Master supplied us with that information.)

I was running as fast as I could when I heard the sound of wings flapping. I looked next to me and saw Happy.
"Happy?!" I asked, surprised he wasn't with Natsu.

Prior to this point, Happy and I hadn't really spoken at all.

"Yeah?" He asked, giving me a confused look.

"Why aren't you with Natsu?" I asked.

"Cause he's acting weird. Plus I wanted to spend time with you Lushee." He said and I smiled.

"Alright, then lets go!" I shouted, Happy following closely behind.


I knocked on the wood used as a support beam. The mayor was just where I suspected him to be, rebuilding his fancy house with his family.

He looked up and his eyes lit up in glee. He waddled over and I saw that the mayor was a fairy chubby man. He was around late 30's early 40's.
He had on a green suit and was wearing black dress shoes. He had black hair that was pulled back and greasy and some black stuble was along his many.....chins.

Behind him, servants and some towns people were carting around wood, rebuilding the mans mansion.
"Hi, uh, my name is Lucy and I'm from Fairy Tail and I'm on a special mission." I started.

"What's the mission?" He asked in a raspy, smoker type voice.
He seemed to be scanning my body and staring at my cleavage and my thighs.
I was getting uncomfortable already.

Why did I have to get a perv?

"Me and my team are on a hunt for Zeref. This mission is very serious so we are collecting information first. Would you mind telling me everything about what happened to the village?" I asked.

He nodded, his face growing serious now.
"Yes, there is also some books in the library about black magic." He said.

"Happy?" I asked and looked up at Happy.
Happy nodded and flew off towards the library that was now ruble.

Maybe the book got saved in the panic?

The mayor led me to a small room in the part of the house that was rebuilt and we sat down at a table. He was still checking me out which creeped me out but I needed this information.
"So, where do I start?" He asked.

I waited as he thought for a moment, but when his eyes went bright I knew he was ready to talk.
"Ah yes! So it was a peaceful day as always when multiple houses in the village simultaneously caught fire. Panic broke out and people fled the town. Zeref has an elite team following with him. There is The Scarlet Despair, Invel, Black Steel, The Rain Woman, and of course his demons. Zeref has created demons and they reside in the books of Zeref. They attacked our beautiful village and left it to burn and turn to ash. That's all the information I can provide." He said.
I thanked him and walked away from the construction sight.

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