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Lucy's POV
One Month Later
"Erza, hand me a fish." Natsu said.
We were sitting around the campfire, eating dinner and telling stories.

It's been a month since the train incident and we've definitely gotten closer to finding our target.

Meanwhile, Zeref is always a step ahead of us.

He and his gang have destroyed countless towns and villages, cities even.

I keep reading through that book of his commerades. The one- Black Steel- has a very similar story to Levy's.
She told me she used to work for the magic council, but saw how corrupt they were and wanted out. Unfortunately they wouldn't let her leave so she faked her death.

It's weird.

"Lucy? You ok?" Natsu asked as he waved his hand in front of my face.

I jumped a little.
"Yes. why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

Everyone was looking at me.
"You haven't been responding for the past 5 minutes." Gray explained.

"Oh, sorry. Just a lot on my mind." I said and laughed it off.
They all shrugged and went back to their business.


I sat on a hill, watching the stars. The way they shown in the dark night sky always intrigued me.

I'm so worried. We are getting really close to finding Zeref and it scares me. I don't want anything bad to happen.

"Hey." I heard from behind me.
It was that same soft voice from the day we left for this mission.

"Hey." I responded.
The person didn't reply.

I heard footsteps and then they sat next to me, looking at the stars as well.
"What's on your mind?" He asked.

"Zeref. What else would be?" I asked and laughed a little.
He didn't reply.

"What about you? Happy told me you've been acting weird." I asked, finally turning to look at him.
His fluffy salmon hair was flowing in the wind, whipping around. His chest slowly rose and fell as he breathed.
His deep onyx eyes were focused on the sky line. He was sitting with his legs out in front of him and his arms behind his back, supporting him.

He turned his eyes to me, and we made eye contact. He didn't turn his head, only looked from the corner of his eyes. He then took a deep breath.
"A lot has been on my mind lately. My brother, fairy tail's future, you." He said.

I felt my cheeks get hot, but I didn't look away.
"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

He averted his eyes slowly back to the skyline and took another deep breath.
"What are we now? Are we still rivals? Are we friends? Something more?" He asked.

"I mean, of course I don't want anything to happen to you. You're my guildmate, but it's not just that anymore. For me at least." He explained.

My face felt hot.
I put my head down and hair covered my eyes, creating a shadow over my eyes.

All fell silent.

"What do you want to be" I asked.

"Because I think like to be something more." I added quietly.
Natsu didn't respond.

I know he heard it though, he's a dragon slayer, he was amazing hearing.

"So would I." He said after what felt like an eternity.
I felt my face heat up again and I tensed up a little.

We didn't say anything.

I looked up and a him, and he turned his head to me. We both slowly started leaning towards eachother. I closed my eyes gradually and leaned in until I felt lips on mine.

Natsu was kissing me.

I kissed him back.

This night was perfect.

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