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Mavis's POV
I blinked as I stood in a small room, stone walls surrounded me.
"What?" I asked as I looked at my hands, grabbing my face, then my shoulder, then my nonexistent breasts, and finally my butt.

"Ok that's definitely bigger." I said to myself and looked down, seeing that I was wearing only a black cloth as a 'dress.'

This was definitely WAY to revealing for my tastes.

I heard a door squeak open and I looked up quickly, seeing Zeref. He looked pretty shocked to see me and he held a tray with food.
"Zeref?" I asked.

This is weird.

I remember dying, and hearing Zeref scream my name. But that's it.

Zeref placed the tray down on a small wooden nightstand and motioned for me to sit down on the not so soft looking bed in the small stone room.

I sat down and I immediately wanted to stand beause the bed felt lumpy, like there were rocks inside the mattress.

Zeref sat down next to me and I tried to meet his eyes, but he avoided my gaze.

"Zeref what happened?" I asked and placed my hands on his, seeing him visibly tense up.

"Zeref?" I asked again. "Are you alright?"
He sighed and threaded his fingers through mine, holding my hands tightly.

"I'm sorry Mavis." He said quietly.

"Why? What could you possibly be sorry for?" I asked, squeezing his hands.

He sighed and looked at his lap.
"I brought you back to life." He said.

My eyes suddenly dilated and I sucked in a breath of air quietly.
I immediately recoiled from him, his hands dropping to this lap.

"You what?" I asked.
My tone was shocked and confused. Pretty accurate for how I was feeling.

"You died after you kissed me. Your curse was lifted and you collapsed in my arms. I didn't know what to do. So I brought you here, to Tartaros, and revived you like I did to Natsu when we were kids." Zeref explained with a quiver in his voice.
Tears were on the verge of spilling from the corners of his eyes.

He shut his eyes tightly and tightened his fists in his lap.
"You have to understand, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how I was gonna go on without you. In the moment all I could think about was getting you back here." He pleaded with me.

My face softened and I suddenly felt at ease. I leaned closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
He looked up at me, his body shaking and tears running from his eyes.

I leaned in and put my ear up to his chest, right where his heart would be. My other hand rested on his chest.

I listened.

He didn't speak, although I heard him breath in to start speaking.
I interrupted him before he even could speak.
"I'll always be with you. I love you." I said.
He let out a breath of relief and wrapped his arms me.

"Then you won't mind me doing this." He said.

"Doing wha-" I started and began to lift my head when everything went black.


Mavis's POV
I opened my eyes and saw a group of people surrounding me.

I wanted to call for help, but I didn't even know where I was.

Wait, what was my name again?

"Where am I? Who are you? Who am I?" I asked.
A handsome black haired male came up to me and stared into my eyes.

"I'm Zeref. And you're Mavis, my queen." He explained.
I felt shocked as I gasped at him.

"You're my husband?" I asked.
He nodded and smiled, kissing me.

I do admit, that felt familiar.

I nodded at him after he parted from me.
"Well, what guild are we in?" I asked.

"Tartaros. And right now we are preparing for war with a guid called Fairytail." He explained. "You were the first Master of that guild, until you were overthrown and kicked out. Fairytail now is the most evil guild in all of Fiore. And we intend on stopping them." Zeref continued.

I nodded.

"Death to Fairytail."


Natsu's POV
The first struggled and tried kicking me off, but it was no use, she was losing oxygen by the minute.

"You wouldn't dare kill me!" She choked.
I tightened my grip on her throat and smiled wider at her.

"You wanna bet?" I growled as I smiled like a psychopath at her.

She gasped and tried struggling harder, her face turning blue.

"You can't kill me! IM THE MASTER OF THIS GUILD!" She screeched loudly.

"Not anymore you're not." I snapped.
Her struggling began to grow weaker.

"Sorry First, But you're not the first anymore. You're someone completely different." I explained and her legs went limp.

She had become silent and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The doors to the guild swung open behind me and I just stared emotionlessly at the first.
I dropped her dead corpse onto the ground and activated my magic.

"This is just a precaution, hope you don't mind." I said in a sickeningly joking voice and torched her.
I dusted off my hands and watched her body burn in the fire. I then began to sniff the air, trying to catch Lucy's scent.

I eventually did and smiled. I tried to use my wings, eventually getting the hang of it.
I smirked and took off out the doors, flying for where Lucy was.

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