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Lucy's POV
I walked through the empty field and sighed.
I haven't seen or heard anything, it's like every person or thing that is part of Tartaros is avoiding me for some reason.
I wonder how Natsu is? Is he worried about me too?

I hope so.

"Aw, how sweet." A sarcastic voice said from behind me. I snapped my head around and saw more empty field, nobody for miles.

"What's the matter doll face? Worried your Prince Charming won't make it?" I heard again from behind me and I turned around again.

I saw Zeref hovering a few feet off the ground and smirking at me.
I glared at him.

"Aw, what's with the look? If it weren't for me you wouldn't have your precious Natsu." Zeref said and put a hand on his chin, giving me a smug look.
I stayed silent.

"Alright alright I get it. You hate my guts and want to rip me a new one. No surprise there. But I have a deal for you." He said.
I frowned at him and the tension from my body released as his feet hit the ground.

"What deal?" I asked.

"You get to live as long as you leave this place. Leave Magnolia, Leave Fiore, and tell no one where you are going." He said and looked down at his rings.

I stared at him, raising my guard as he stared at his hand nonchalantly.
"Why would you let me live?" I asked.
He sighed.

"Well, that idiot Mavis ended up dying and Natsu already released his E.N.D form so I don't really need you. And you're kind of a big threat to me. So it'd be better for everyone if you just left." Zeref explained and looked me straight in the eyes.

"So, deal or no?" He asked. "Because if you don't take this one time offer I'll have to kill you. Just a warning." He said and smirked.
I stared at him and then scoffed.

"I would never abandon a fight. And you would kill me anyway." I spat.

Zeref sighed and folded his arms, clicking his tongue.
"Why do I even try?" He breathed. "I guess this is the end." He said and lifted his head, his blood red eyes glowing now.

"Goodbye Lucy Heartfilia." Zeref sneered.


Lucy's POV
Zeref shot a black ball of destruction at me and I dodged it, transforming into my Sagittarius star dress and shooting arrows at him.
He dodged them and shot another destruction ball at me.
"SCORPIO!!" I called and Scorpio appeared and I changed into his star dress.

"Let's do this!" He yelled and shot sand at Zeref.
Zeref noticed Scorpio and shot at him, sending him back into the spirit world.

"STAR DRESS: CANCER!!" I yelled from behind Zeref and he smiled evilly as he turned.
I sliced at him and he got a large cut on his face.

He slid back, his feet digging into the earth as he shot nackwards. I stepped back and changed into my Tarus star dress.

He chuckled evilly and looked up, his eyes glowing even brighter now than before.

"You'll pay for that." He said in a deep, gravely voice.
He shot a black whirlpool of energy at me.
It hit me before I could react, and I felt searing pain in my eyes as I felt myself fade into unconsciousness.


Lucy's POV
"Lucy." I heard as I felt someone shake me awake.
I groaned and opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light.

"Finally you're awake." I heard again.
I blinked again and sat up, groaning softly as I stretched.

I looked up and saw Natsu and Happy standing at the edge of my bed. Natsu had his arms crossed and a backpack with everything he took on missions on his shoulders. Happy hovered next to him.

"Huh?" I breathed out, severely confused.
"Come on, we're gonna miss our train if you don't get your butt out of bed!" Happy exclaimed, flying over to me.

My face contorted as I knitted my eyebrows together and frowned, confusion plaguing my mind.
"What happened? I thought I was fighting Zeref?" I asked, looking down at my floor in confusion.
I rubbed my forehead, baring my teeth as I felt my head start stinging.

"Fighting who?" Happy asked, furrowing his little eyebrows.
I looked back up and at Happy, then diverting my eyes to Natsu.

Natsu's face twisted and worry covered his features. He dropped his pack and came over to one side of the bed. He sat down on his knees so we were eye level and then put his hand on my forehead.
"Lucy are you sick?"

"What? No I'm not sick." I said and pushed Natsu's hand away. "We were just in the middle of war." I added.
Happy laughed in the background but Natsu turned and glared at him.

"Lucy, I don't know what's wrong with you but that never happened. And who even is Zeref?" Natsu asked, taking my hands in his and making eye contact with me.
I looked into his eyes and frowned.

As I looked into his eyes I felt a wave of relief and peace wash over me.

I blinked, relaxing my features.
"Oh, I guess it was just a dream then." I said, dropping Natsu's hands.

I threw my blankets over my feet and stood up, putting my arms on my hips.
"I'll be ready in a couple minutes." I added.


Lucy's POV
I walked with Natsu and Happy to the train station where we were going to meet Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Carla.

"I bet Carla looks beautiful today~" Happy sang as he flew next to Natsu and I.
I giggled, my hand instinctively going to cover my mouth and my eyes shutting closed as my face contorted into a smile.

Happy continues to rant on about Carla, his heart eyes almost too big to measure.

I smiled up at Happy when I suddenly felt a warm, rough hand grab mine.
I looked to my left and saw Natsu, face front and staring ahead with a blank expression. But his fingers wrapped around mine, squeezing my hand.

"Natsu?" I questioned, my voice quiet as to not disturb Happy's daydream.
Natsu snapped out of his focus and looked at me, tilting his head slightly.

"Hm?" He hummed.
"Why are you holding my hand?" I asked, motioning down to our hands.

Natsu raised a brow at me.
"Are you sure you're not sick Lucy?" He asked.

I frowned. I puckered my lips and gave him a look.
"No Natsu, I'm not sick. Why?" I asked again, waiting for an answer.

"You're my girlfriend Lucy, I hold your hand like this all the time." He explained.
At this I blushed bright red, feeling my shoulders tense up as an electric shock ran up my body.

"I-I'm y-your w-w-what?!" I stuttered out, my face getting hotter.
Natsu chuckled, leaning in and kissing me lightly on the lips. It was short, but passionate.
"I love you Lucy." He added, nuzzling our noses.

Then, he stood up straight again and looked back in front of him, smiling.
I felt something warm flood my chest, and I smiled too.

"I love you too Natsu."

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